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    Janet had continued her "two sales a day" rhythm she had been on as Jay continued his streak of sales from the previous day. By lunch time, Jay had already made three sales. Tony ended up making two sales to the one customer right before lunch.

    Vanessa happened to be walking by Tony's cubicle as he made his sale and she planted a friendly smile his way, motivating Tony further to want to do his best. For Tony, it wasn't about gold watches like Kyle, not as much as it was about Vanessa. But what was it to Jay that drove him?

At lunch, Cole stopped to talk to Jay again.

"Way to keep yesterday's momentum alive, man!" Cole said to Jay, high giving him.

"Thanks, man." Jay responded. "Im really trying."

"Hey, aren't you friends with Kyle? Have you been to his new apartment? I don't think I've ever seen you there. He lives with my friend, Tad. They have the coolest place, you should come hang with us sometime after work this week?"

"Yeah, definitely." Jay said with a smile as Janet and Tony begun to catch up.

Just as Cole began to walk away, the entire building began to shake. The quake was strong this time that Janet had to grab a hold of Jay to keep her balance. Jay noticed, from the second floor windows above the cafeteria, the light in the managements office turned off and two of the managers could be seen walking downstairs like Doug had said.


"I want to go downstairs." Jay told Tony and Janet at lunch.

"What do you think is down there?" Janet asked.

"I don't know but Doug was right, it IS weird. After their "bad piping" episode, I saw some of the managers go directly downstairs. But why?"

"Maybe they're fixing the plumbing?" Tony laughed. "Hey, where IS Doug? I saw him earlier today but that was it.

"I don't know." Jay said, looking down at his phone to notice a text. "Oh shit, he texted me. Wait. What? It says "Hey dude, they finally gave me the axe this morning. Told you it was around the corner. Hit me up after work.""

"Oh shit. They fired him?" Tony asked.

"That's what his text says."

"Damn." Janet signed.


After lunch, Jay took note that the "top sellers" did not return to the sales floor before making three more sales in the last two hours before shift ended.

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