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  Jay had actually begun to grow quite fond of Belkos tea. In fact, it became his regular morning drink before work. Jay had spent a lot of time researching the products he was selling in hopes of becoming a better seller.

Jay was still living alone in the house he once shared with Kyle. Kyle had been gone a month now and he had paid the previous months rent. Jay wondered how Kyle could even afford to pay rent in multiple places on his Paycheck from Belko.

Jay had been worried that he would be fired soon for his lack of sales. Tony had finally made one sale a week earlier and Janet had been making at least two sales a day. Jay and Janet had been spending a lot more time together outside of work.

Doug, their old trainer, had recently been put back onto the floor in sales. He was a decent seller, he sold a few more sales than Janet each week. Doug had come out with Jay, Janet and Tony for drinks a couple times that week and the four of them had plans to meet up at a bar that night, after work.

That day was an exciting day for Jay. Jay not only made his first sale but he made five total sales that day before the end of his shift. One of the main "members" of the top sellers Crew even stopped by Jays cubicle to congratulate him on his sales.


That night at the bar, the group had already shared four pitchers and smoked numerous bowls on the back Patio. The conversation turned to mostly stupid laughter and dumb jokes.

"So how you feelin, top seller?" Tony asked Jay. "I saw homeboy from the "cult sellers" click saying what up to you today? That must have felt good." He joked.

"Shut up." Jay laughed. "I'm just glad I finally made some sells. I started to think it was never going to happen."

"Yeah man, you killed it today! Let's just see if you can do it again tomorrow." Doug said.

"So that guy that said 'what's up', the one from Kyles click- His names Cole, I think?" Tony said to Jay.

"Yeah, its Cole." Doug said with a drink. "Guys a prick."

"Well who's that short girl with the black hair that he's always hanging out with?"

"Vanessa?" Doug asked.

"Yeah! Are they dating?" Tony asked.

"Why? Got a crush?" Doug asked.

"Kinda. Yeah. But she only associates with people in that click."

"Yeah they're all fucking creepy as hell." Doug interjected. "You know, outside the top sellers, in probably the longest lasting employee. If it wasn't for me also teaching the training classes, I think I would have already gotten the cut. I'm probably close to the end of my life line, but those weirdos that dress in all black and wear those gold watches like pretentious douche bags, there's something else going on with them."

"What do you mean?" Jay asked.

"Aw. Never mind, I'm drunk."

"No, continue." Tony encouraged. "What were you going to say?"

"There's just something going on with the management of that place and the weird fucking top sellers. Like, did you know there's a whole downstairs? I've been working here over a year, I've been upstairs in the managements office multiple times but I've never been downstairs once."

"Why is that weird, though?" Janet asked.

"Well, it's not, I guess. But I see a lot of the management and the top sellers going down there. Sometimes even while they're on the clock. I don't know what the fuck their doing down there... Orgies? Satanic rituals?" He laughed. "I don't know but the management is way too clicky with those gold watch wearing mother fuckers."

"What do you thinks down there?" Jay asked.

"I don't know. And I don't know if I want to know..." Doug laughed again.

"Hey, look- it's her-" Tony said, discreetly pointing out Vanessa from work. "She's here."

Just then Vanessa turned her attention toward their table and Tony smiled at her. Vanessa returned a smile and then walked out of the bar.

"That was weird. Bye?" Tony joked.

"That group IS really weird." Janet said. "That whole place is weird but hey, I'm enjoying the commission, so I can tolerate some things."

"Speaking of cash commission- let me get the next round!" Jay offered.


That night Jay had thought he and Janet would probably finally end up going home together. And they probably would have, had Tony not gotten too drunk. After making Tony a bed on his living room couch, Jay laid in bed thinking about Janet, and everyone of those thoughts made him smile.

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