III - Punishments and Prophecies

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It's been three weeks since Annabeth left. She took everything she had with her but she also took my heart. I miss my wise girl. For three weeks I've done nothing but mope around, I can't eat, I can't sleep, I can't do anything.

One thing did cheer me up when I was at my low. A couple of days after Annabeth left, Aphrodite came down to camp and demanding to see her daughter. The girl, what was her name again? Oh yeah! It was Lily. Anyway, this is how it went down.

3 weeks ago

~3rd person~

The goddess walked calmly to her beaming daughter. Her face was a mask of calm but inside, the goddess was furious. Her daughter had broken up the greatest love of all time and even though Aphrodite pretended not to care, every time a broken love came into the world it broke a piece of her.

"My daughter."

Her voice was like ice. It was so cold that every camper surrounding Aphrodite flinched. Lily's smile melted off her face, replaced with a look of worry.

Aphrodite takes a deep breath and then screams. The sound is so horrendous that it scares the monsters in the woods. All the monsters either run away or dig into the earth, never to be seen again.


Lily's face goes from shock to terror to anger.

"Did you seriously come down to camp to yell at me? TO YELL AT ME ABOUT PERCABETH?!?! WHAT EVEN IS PERCABETH??"

Aphrodite looks taken back.


Aphrodite calmed herself down before speaking again.

"You broke up the greatest love in existence, their love was destined to outlast the Gods themselves."

Lily glares at her mother and crosses her arms across her chest.

"Well sorry mother, but Percy and I are perfectly happy."

In the distance, a male voice can be heard

"No we're not!"

Lily rolls her eyes. Aphrodite just glares at her daughter.

"Anyway, mother, Percy and I are happy together and I'm glad that Annab**** is gone."

Aphrodite glares at her daughter and opens her mouth to curse her when a brilliant flash of white light interrupts Aphrodite. A disembodied voice speaks from the light.

"Excuse me daughter of Aphrodite-"

"She's not my daughter anymore Athena!"

The light dies down and reveals a glaring Athena. Athena sighs.

"Excuse me former daughter of Aphrodite, what did you call my daughter?"

Lily hastily kneels down in front of Athena.

"I apologise my lady."

Athena studies the girl with her intelligent grey eyes. Her eyes narrow at the sight of the girl who has just insulted her favourite daughter.

"You may be spared if Percy wishes it."

Athena snaps her fingers and an angry Percy appeared in front of the two goddesses. He kneels down in front of them.

"Lady Athena, Lady Aphrodite. To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"This girl has insulted my daughter and I have decided to give you the choice of choosing what shall happen to her. Anyone object?"

Wisdoms Betrayal: A HoO and HP crossover (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now