VI - New friends

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I was too lazy to write the diagon alley trip so imma skip to the train. Peace ✌🏻


"So we're going to London now. I guess that this will be fun."

Staring outside of the window, looking at the clear blue sky and the fluffy white clouds, everything looks gorgeous. Nothing should look gorgeous or even pretty. Annabeth is gone and I'm stuck with the she devil that was the reason for her absence. I glance over at Percy, who being comforted by Hazel. I'm sorta glad that he's sad, I'd rather him be sad than angry. If he had been angry over the last few weeks, I don't think that there would be a camp half blood, or a camp Jupiter for that matter. I feel a gentle hand on my shoulder and look up to see Jason looking at me with concern. I open my arms and he envelopes me in a warm hug. He smells like a fresh summer breeze and that makes me think of all the fun I used to have with Annabeth . Jason's shirt suddenly feels wet and I realise that I'm crying. I hastily try to wipe the tears away but Jason beats me to it. I hear snort of laughter behind me so I turn around and glare at whoever was laughing.

It was lily.

Of course it was.

Percy gets up and starts walking towards her slowly, his face completely clear of emotions. Lily sits up straight and beams. When Percy was standing right in front of her, she leans forward and he grabs her throat. She starts to gag.

"Why were you laughing just now."

She starts clawing at his hands.

"Percy," I said "She needs her voice to talk. Let go of her."

I put a little bit of charmspeak into the command and Percy immediately lets go of lily. She hunches over, trying to catch her breath. When she straightens up, she looks at me with gratitude.

"Why were you laughing, lunar?"

I lay the charmspeak heavily on those words and her eyes glaze over.

"I was laughing because you were crying over a stupid b****. You all saved Olympus and saw dozens of people die and you're crying over someone who isn't even dead, I mean come on!"

The charmspeak wears off and a look of horror replaces her neutral expression. Everyone is staring at her with absolute hatred. Nico starts radiating death while Frank, Hazel and Jason stand up, drawing their weapons.


A simple command, but everyone freezes in their tracks. I swallow my own hatred for Lily because this quest might mean that we'll see Annabeth again.

"I know you all want to throw her into Tartarus, but she's apart of the quest. And this quest has to play out, we might get to see Annabeth."

Grumbling, everyone sits back down and glares daggers at Lily. She looks down at the floor and for the next half hour or so we all stay like that until a cool female voice crackles through the speakers.

"Ladies and gentlemen of camp half blood and camp Jupiter, welcome to London."

Time skip


Walking to the magical barrier feels so surreal. I never thought that we'd come back after the war. Hermione, Ron and I approach the station with confidence. Around platform 4, a group of American teenagers in purple and orange shirts are arguing.

"I'm telling you Leo! The border is around here! Hecate said it would be!"

"And I'm telling you Piper! There is no sign of a secret platform!"

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