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Erik and Christine had already packed everything for France and everyone in Phantasma was already informed that the next week they will do what Miss and Madame Giry tell them. "Are you sure you don't want to go?" Christine asked them. The Paris Opera was a huge part of their lives and she thought that they would like to attend the great re-opening, but both of them insisted that they didn't really miss it and like it better in America.

A few days later, Gustave and his parents were standing on the pier with their suitcases, waiting for the ship to take them to France. When it arrived they rushed for the best seats and as they sat down, they heard a familiar voice yelling, "DONT FORGET MEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!" and just a moment later, Nadir came running up with two big suitcases only for him.

"UNCLE NADIR!" Gustave screamed and ran to hug him.

"I am very offended, Erik," Nadir spoke while hugging the little kid. "You didn't even say goodbye!"

"I did," Erik said.

"No you didn't!" Nadir insisted.

"Yes I did!" They started yelling at each other and after a few moments Christine interrupted them.

"Gustave why don't you show uncle Nadir your new song?" she suggested and the excited Gustave started pulling him away. Before they completely disappeared to the other side of the boat, Nadir gave Christine a grumpy look and she was about to respond but something was bothering her, so she just shut up.

This didn't go unnoticed by Erik. He gently took her hand and asked, "What's wrong love?"

She rested her head on his shoulder and sighed. "What if somebody sees you?" she finally let out.

"Everybody thinks I'm dead," he said. "I'll go straight to my lovely ex home and wait for you down there. Nobody will suspect a thing," he assured.

But Christine was stubborn. "What if Gustave says something?"

"He won't."

"What if Raoul says something?"

"Who's gonna believe him?"


"What?" he said obliviously and grinned. "I'm serious, though. Who will believe him? They'll think he's just making excuses for your break up."

"Okay, but he'll know you'll with me. He'll know you wouldn't leave me alone in Paris," she insisted.

"Then say I'm dead," he suggested.

"No! We've done that too many times! It almost feels like we want you dead!"

"But it always worked," Erik said.

"Erik, please, don't make me do this," she said. "It's too painful to even think about it!"

"As you say, mon ange," he replied, bringing her hand to his lips and gently kissing it.


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