Chapter Six

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After we all exit the car, I feel every nerve in my body grow cold. There are drunk girls wobbling in their heels on the lawn, cheering their even drunker friend on as she drinks from a can, red solo cups everywhere. Literally. Everywhere. And Julia is smiling. Which, considering I'v never seen her smile once before, can't be good.

Jaimie slides up beside me, linking her elbow with mine. "Are we doing to stand here all night, or are we going to par-taay?" she hollers, and the drunken girls holler back, almost falling back the way they stumble over their feet. "You'll have fun, I promise," she whispers in my ear, tugging me from the car I've gravitated to like it'll protect me. But I fear nothing can.

"Yeah, I'm sure they have sudoku or nuns she could pray with." Julia scoffs beside her girlfriend, that smile growing wicked and large. "But I know for sure they have what I want. Now let's go before I lose my mind." She grabs Jaimie's hand and tugs her forward, dragging me along with them.

Mateo and Grey have already left, leaving us girls to enter the large house. As soon as my feet crosses the threshold, I feel my stomach do a complete 180 front flip. If I thought there was an unusual amount of girls wobbling around in their heels like they were drunk clowns on stilts outside, I was wrong. There are even more inside. And suddenly, in this very moment, every Teen Movie I've ever watched rings true, in the aspects of girls in demeaning short skirts and guys in frats wearing polo grinding against drunk girls and kissing said drunk girls.

"Don't get lost, Bambi," Jaimie screams over the music, which is on the line of deafening. I let her take my hand and pull me through the large crowd, bumping into numerous people and exchanging quick apologies.

I'm almost relieved when we end up in front of a couch that looks like the only one in here unoccupied, and our 'group' has inhabited it, so I won't be standing all night. My plan is to plant my bottom on a cushion like a plant and wait until they're all partied out and ready to leave. Otherwise, I'm finding a book and planting my nose in it. Though, I doubt any of these guys read literature and not the back of cereals.

Sitting on the right hand of the couch is a guy with dirty blonde hair wearing a red beanie, smoking a white stick I'm not 100% sure is a cigarette, Grey and a girl tucked under his outstretched arm on the cushions. The girl is petite but looks lethal. She has curly, fiery red hair, thick black eyeliner surrounding a pair of electric blue eyes and a crude snarl masking her dark red lips. With one hand toying with Grey's hand that's wrapped around her, she uses the other to point a finger at me.

"Who's this?" she asks, her voice dripping venom.

"This is Olivia, Julia's dorm mate. And that under Grey's arm is Dirty, sorry---" she coughs and breaks out into a false grin. "Diana. I see it didn't take you long to shag up under him. Literally." With a wide smile that holds something unknown to me behind it, Jaimie takes a seat next to the guy wearing a beanie.

"And I see it didn't take your girlfriend long enough to hit up the drug dealer of the party." This guy is a drug dealer? Once glance at his red-ringed eyes and baggy shirt and I have my confirmation. He's snickering lightly as he swipes his tongue across a rolled up white paper.

"Leave me out of this. This is my night to zen out," Julia says, plopping down next to the dealer. I take the last seat on the couch as I watch as she rips the stick out of his hand and slips it between her lips.

I rip my eyes away, wondering how I got here. Oh, yeah, I decided to show up Grey on his idea of me. And now I'm sitting on a ratty couch with people I barely know or like in a fraternity house two days before. How amazing college is turning out to be. 

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Author's Note: 

Hey, guys!

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and are looking forward to more. I deeply appreciate every single one of you who take the time to read. I have a lot planned for this book and more to come, and I plan to update daily if not a few times throughout each week. Because of this, I'd really love it if you all left comments and gave feedback, even critical ones. That along with votes go a long way and keep me motivated to get updates out there on a regular and fast pace. So please, remember to COMMENT, VOTE, AND SHARE

© All Rights Reserved 2017 Allison White

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© All Rights Reserved 2017 Allison White

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