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A/N: North and Sang's first date on the roof. Enjoy :D

I see her standing a little off to Kota's side as soon as we walk in through the door. She's intermittently shifting from one foot to the other, then finally stops and clasps her fingers behind her back.

It's driving me insane. I want to rush forward and shake away the nervousness from her, working downward from those stiff, skinny shoulders of hers. And that's another thing. She's too small, too thin even for her height. I wonder if her parents aren't feeding her at home, or if she's not eating herself. I haven't seen her eat more than nibbles since we met. That has to change.

We all congregate around Kota's living room to discuss our schedules for the upcoming school year. It'll be different with Sang this year. Better. I'm lucky I won't have to kill anyone out of sheer boredom at school because she'll be around. On second thought, Luke's lucky I won't have as much time to get him back for his antics.

But I'm really not looking forward to high school. Not like my brothers and I haven't all already learned the stuff already in whatever classes we have. Then there's the stupid lot of hormonal teenagers.  They don't give two shits about academics. And if they're anything like that asshole Greg that Si wanted to knock out, it's gonna be a whole lot worse for Sang.

Speaking of which.

I see her take a seat smack in the middle of the couch, and immediately plop down to her left. She's glancing back and forth between me and Gabriel, then pauses and flicks her gaze upward when she sees the arm I've placed behind her shoulder. Really, I'm resisting the urge to just throw an arm around her. But that'll have to wait till later.  She's still too goddamn jumpy. When I return the look, questioning, Sang quickly turns away, pale cheeks an instant bloom of pink.  

Luke starts up about getting bean bag chairs for Kota again. I only half-pay attention, and focus mostly on moving my finger in circles on Sang's shoulder. I watch the side of her face all the while, holding back a grin when I see her blush deepen even more.

Kota then asks who's driving who to school, and I say I'll be taking Luke and Si in my Jeep.

"Good. Logically, I'll take Nathan and Sang," says Kota.

"You mean on the bus?" Sang asks, looking around at us. We all turn to face her, and I feel her stiffen underneath my fingers. "I mean, I don't think I could get away with riding to school with anyone. If I'm not getting on the bus, my sister will know and she'd tell my parents," she adds, quieter this time.

"Aw, shit. I didn't think about that. Don't tell me we're riding this year."

Sang sits up, finally moving away from my fingers. She shakes her head fiercely. "You don't have to. I mean, I can ride the bus. You guys can ride together. It's no big deal. I'll just see you when I get there." 

God, she's so fucking gorgeous.

The guys and I exchange glances over her head, each telling the other that no way in hell we could ever let Sang ride the school bus on her own. Especially to the godforsaken shit hole we're gonna be attending. 

"It's not a big deal," Nate says, "we'll do it."

I resume circling my fingers on her shoulder.


"No, it's fine." Kota cuts Sang off before she can say anything more. "My car isn't totally reliable anyway. We'll ride."

And that's how it's done, baby. I look down at Sang and see her fidget. She still looks uncomfortable. And she's so fucking small. Makes me want to her wrap myself around her and never let go. Maybe hide her away someplace. 

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