Swinging Hammers

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"Please tell me you brought water."

I whirl around at Si's comment and notice Sang standing by the doors, her school bag hanging off of one shoulder. She drops the bag on the floor and pulls out several large bottles. Si and I are nearly breathless from the strain of working in the heat all afternoon.

"Thank god," I groan. "We tell Kota we can handle it, and we forgot to bring everything."

"What else are you missing?" she asks.

"Luke, for one. He was supposed to be pulling the carpet in the chapel and check in every once in a while to help us haul out this shit. I haven't heard from him in a couple of hours."

"I'll go check on him." Sang holds up her bag again, giving us both a shy smile. "I brought crackers, too, if you guys are hungry. They're in the bag. Just dig in." Then she picks up one of the bottles and starts heading in the direction of the chapel, where we last left Luke. Who knows what that bozo's been up to this long.

I return a smile to Sang and tousle her hair as she passes by. "Keep my brother in line, will you?" I'm only half-joking.

Her lips purse, and for a second I think there's something off about her face. The angle of her cheekbone looks wrong, somehow. Then she's gone.

Maybe it's just the crappy lighting in here.


I lift my head when I hear Sang call my name.

"Did you need a hand?"

God yes. I sit up and smile. "I think we need twenty. Two will do for a start, though." Noticing the bottle she's holding I approach. She looks at me confused before understanding dawns, then holds it out to me.

The cold water is a wash of relief as it rushes down my throat. I slurp loudly and slap some on my neck and forehead.

"You're doing a good job," Sang says.

"I think I'd rather be whacking down cabinets," I reply.

"They wanted help hauling."

"That's the boring part."

Her features suddenly light up, turning mischievous. "Let's go help them and maybe they'll let us swing the hammers," she cries. I turn to her and grin. She looks so excited, almost bouncing on the balls of her feet, fingers clasped tight. Her? Swinging a sledgehammer?

Now that's a sight I'd like to watch.

"You're dressed kind of nice to be doing this," I protest. She looks down, then shrugs.

"I'm just going to end up washing these, anyway."

Sweat is starting to gather again at my brow and I wipe it off, before crossing the room and picking up my button-down. "Put this on so you're not getting your stuff dirty."

Her cheeks flush. "Over my own shirt?"

"Take that shirt blouse off," I say without thinking. Then realize what I've implied when her eyes widen.


"Not right here, dummy." I smirk. There's a joke in here and I can't resist. "Not unless you want." Man, what I wouldn't give to see her.

Sang turns an even redder shade and I burst out laughing. Her eyes widen, and her features war between looking embarrassed, horrified, and frustrated. So. Freaking. Cute. Still grinning, I hook an arm around her neck, heading us back out of the chapel.

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