Friday Fall

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A/N: 6,648 words, guys!! (Not including this note). Holy crap. Probably the longest chapter I've written so far. Also, this was hard to write. Like, seriously hard. Like, really, REALLY hard. Who knew fight scenes were so damn difficult. I think I have a new appreciation for them now. I took a few liberties with the boys' POV's here because I honestly had NO clue what they were thinking. Especially Owen. So let me know what you think!


Fire alarms echo loudly through the halls, mixing with the voices of the students heading toward the exits. I notice some of them veering away from the rest and slow my pace. Curses and shouting follow after me as I head in the direction of the straying crowd.

Ever since Sang told me about Friday Fall in class, I've kept my eyes and ears open, ready for anything, and warned the guys. Gabe and Luke had already heard something from their own classes before, but no one really knew what it was, or hadn't been able to find out.  

Kota: Keep an eye out for any signs of trouble.

After I hit "send" on the group message I keep my phone ready at hand. My brothers are probably scattered throughout the school by now, watching and waiting for any signs of trouble.

A group of students start shoving at each other and shouting. I clutch at my bag, trying to pinpoint the source of the commotion. I spot Greg and his friends pushing everyone.

"Hey!" I yell. "Stop! Hey!"

They turn their heads, but that's about all I see before a foot kicks my legs out from underneath and knocks me to the ground. I go down hard, my glasses falling from my face, clattering onto the floor somewhere.

A fuzzy arm comes toward me. This time I'm prepared. I grab the arm and pull, using the person's own weight to lift myself up off the floor while I throw them down. There's a grunt somewhere.

I squint, trying to find my glasses, but they're nowhere to be found.

Breathe. One, two, three, four . . .

My heart's thudding hard against my chest. I hear the footsteps behind me before a familiar voice drawls, "Looking for this?"

I jump back and straighten, turning to face Greg. He stands with his laughing cronies. He reeks of cigarette smoke and menthol as usual. He holds up a cracked pair of black-rimmed glasses, and a phone in the other. My phone. 

"If you need glasses you should really get your own," I say, backing away from the approaching group. I spot the wall in my periphery and realize too late that I'm surrounded. Shit.

"You planning to call that girlfriend of yours for backup?" one of them snickers. I think his name is Eric. He was in the fight yesterday with Sang and Gabriel. He might've even been the one who hit her. I clench my fists.

"Leave Sang out of this," I hiss.

Greg sneers. "Shut up! She'll have more fun with me anyway. I want you and your lot out of this goddamn school." He jerks his head, and the rest of the guys start to approach.

I could handle maybe two or even three of these guys on my own, but not all of them. Doesn't matter now. If it's a fight he wants, it's a fight he'll get. I continue counting under my breath and get into the standard fighting position I was taught.

I just need to create enough of a diversion to make an escape.

~ ~ ~


After receiving the text from Kota I quickly send him a response before texting another message to Silas, telling him to come meet me in the main hallway downstairs. Between the two of us, not many would dare stand in our way.

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