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It's pitch black by the time Silas and I finish taking down all the cabinets and the rest of the fixtures in the kitchen. Using our phone lights to avoid bumping into things, we clear away the debris and make our way outside.

Sang's leaning against the side of my truck, and something catches at my chest at the sight. Si strolls up to her and bops her on the nose. "You're not a bad little worker bee. You're hired."

Sang beams, straightening up. "Will you guys be back tomorrow?"

"It depends on what happens tomorrow," I reply, "we'll see." I'm about to say something when a familiar shock zaps through my pocket.

What the-

I pull out my cell and answer.

"Sang! We can't find her anywhere! We tried her cell but she's not ans-" Kota sounds freaked.

"What?" I interrupt. "No, she's right here." My eyes flicker towards Sang. Her eyes are so big they take up her whole face. I'm focused on her and wondering what the fuck is up I almost miss Kota's next words.

They come out more in a growl. "She's supposed to be at home! She's grounded."

Now I'm paying full attention, my eyes directed at Sang's and just as big as hers. "What the fuck do you mean, she's grounded? What happened?" I'm yelling but I don't give a damn. The others straighten up and turn to face her.

Her shoulders drop as she looks down. Trembling.

"North. North! What's she doing? Is she okay?"

"No, she's . . . yeah."

"Take her home."

"She's going home now," I say. Sang's head comes up when I end the call. She peeks at me through her lashes as I walk over. "You're in big trouble, missy." She looks so damn scared, reminding me of a frightened bunny.

"What happened?" asks Si. He edges a little in front of her, arms out to the side. I give him a look. You don't need to protect her from me asshole.

"I want to hear this, too. Start talking."

Sang shivers. Takes a gulp of air. Goddammit don't look so scared Sang Baby, you don't have to be scared of us. You don't have to-

"Gabriel got into a fight and I tried to help."

-The fuck? I know I didn't hear that right. "Start at the top."

She starts describing everything that happened that afternoon, and I feel my eyes growing bigger and bigger with every unimaginable, impossible word that comes out her mouth. Apparently Gabe had gotten into a confrontation with some bastards after their gym class. He deliberately provoked them to see what they'd do. And then as they cornered him up against a wall Sang got herself involved, and all hell went loose. Afterwards they all met in Mr. B's office.

"Gabriel said I was grounded, but I didn't know he was serious!" she cries.

I knew it. I knew something wasn't right about her face! I lunge for her arm and pull her back inside the church before she has a chance to say anything more. I have to see this for myself. We stop under the light near the doors and I put her under their glow. The light on her face reminds me of the first time I ever saw her, looking like an angel with her hair all spread around wild and her green eyes wide, so innocent.

I lick my fingers to wipe off Gabe's makeup, feeling a little pissed he'd even dare to put this shit on her.


"Stay still." Once the makeup's off, I scrutinize her face. Every perfect, delicate, beautiful inch, tilting her head one way and another. The asshole hit her fucking hard. I pull her lip back with my finger, and growl at the still-open cut.

"I thought something was wrong was wrong with your face, but I assumed it was just the bad lighting in the kitchen. God damn it Sang baby, why didn't you say anything?" And that's the last fucking time I ever ignore my own damn instincts. I'm furious at myself.

And I want to fucking murder those assholes.

She frowns and crosses her arms over her chest. "I don't know. I thought you guys already knew and weren't saying anything about it."

"What the hell made you think you could jump into a fight?"

"Gabriel was in trouble."

I cannot believe this girl. "Gabriel can handle himself. You, on the other hand, are in deep shit."

She backs off, lip pulling in. Her cheeks flush. Si comes up behind her and scrutinizes her face.

"Who did it?"

"I don't know who," she stammers. "Kota's got to, um . . . wire the people who did it."

Yeah, and we'll be wiring your phone too, from now on. "Uh huh. Kota, Victor and Gabriel are out there working overtime because of you. You were supposed to stay home and out of trouble."

"But if I'm with you, I'm out of trouble, aren't I?"

My mouth falls open. I want to bark out a reply but I've got nothing. I can't say anything against that, because what she just said means she trusts us to keep her out of trouble. She said you. She was talking to me. She trusts me.

I ignore the sudden pounding of my heart and look away. More than once she's rendered me speechless. That doesn't happen. I always have something to say to my brothers. I'm the one who keeps them in line.

"Okay. Sang didn't know," says Si. "We can't blame her for sticking up for one of us if she didn't know. We'd do it for her."

Because we've been trained! Why weren't they getting it?! We've been trained, we're Academy. We know how to deal with this sort of shit-it's exactly why we're there at the school! Sang isn't. One look at her and you'd know she couldn't hurt a damn fly!

"She was doing what we would do," Luke adds, "what was she going to do? Run off? Are we going to ground her for that?"

My fists clench. "She's grounded for being reckless!" I finally cry, turning around to see Sang baby peeking over his arm through a hug. My shoulders drop. It's like she's hiding from me. "But I guess if she's here with us, it' s better for her anyway."

"Right. But she can't stay out all night. I should take her back. Let's get going, you're already in trouble. Kota will probably skin us if we let you get caught again." Luke gestures at Sang, waiting for Si to drop her. As soon as he does I spin her around and catch her in my arms, pressing my face to her hair and inhaling her sweet scent.

"Next time, you better fucking say something. And no more fights," I try not to growl. There won't be a next time if I can help it.

Sang's body loosens in my hold. Her arms lift, wrapping themselves around my neck, and holds back just as tightly. "I'm sorry, North," she husks.

I shudder. Stiffen. I didn't expect an apology. I pull her in even closer, before reluctantly letting go. "Get out of here before I ground you, too."

A/N: Aww, poor North Star got a big scare today, didn't he? Unfortunately for him, bigger scares for him are on the horizon. Around his troublesome Sang baby, his life is never going to be boring, that's for sure :D I feel like I'm rewriting the entire GB series LOL. But the boys are just so interesting and so freaking adorable I can't help it!! Thanks for reading, and the comments, oh man, I love them!! They make me laugh every time. 'Til next time. Tootle-loo!

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