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I arrive at James's apartment.

He's decided to throw the New Years Eve party here. He opens the door with a smile and hugs me immediately, kissing me on the temple.

I smile, "What's up?"

"Just excited for the new year, Ri," James answers and pulls away so I can enter the apartment.

He closes the door behind me and walks over to the kitchen. It seems he's finally cleaned up the place.

"Are you actually cooking?" I laugh and follow him.

He laughs as I hug him from behind. He's taller than me so I have to get on my tiptoes to rest my neck on his shoulder.

"No, Riley, when do I ever cook?" James replies with a laugh, "Nah, I told everyone to bring food so don't even worry about it,"

I smile, "You're an idiot,"

He turns his head and places a kiss on my cheek, "But you're in love with one, right?"

I laugh and hit him on the chest. I ended up inviting Emily and my parents while James invited nearly his whole family which also included his extended family.

He said not to worry about it but I doubt his apartment can fit everyone in now.

It's been awhile since I've actually been so happy. When James went to England I never felt so alone.

"Are you okay?" He asks and turns to face me with a concerned look on his face when I realise I've been so lost in thought.

I nod, "Yeah,"

James nods reluctantly and moves to turn on the TV to broadcast whatever fireworks are on in different places of the world.

I follow him and sit across his lap. He turns his face to look at me and smiles. I wrap my arms around his neck and lean in slowly.

I realised long ago of how much of an idiot I was to leave him. Imagine loving someone so much and for a few days you leave and they are in love with someone else. I can't imagine what I put James through.

And I haven't had the chance to make up for it.

It's almost been half a year since it's happened and I still blame myself for everything. How could he have forgiven me so quickly?

Our lips are about to touch when there's a knock on the door and I glance up at the clock, it's ten at night. James gives me a sad smile and gets up to opens the door. I see that it's Emily.

I smile and hug her as she walks in, "Mum and Dad couldn't come today, they are attending another New Years Eve party but they promised they will come next year,"

I nod sadly, "That's fine, I understand,"

Emily and I are grown up now but sometimes I feel like we don't do stuff as a family anymore.

"Nice apartment, James," Emily says eyeing the place, "And you have no food at the moment..."

James scratches the back of his neck, "Yeah about that-"

The door knocks again and James pulls it open, it's his Uncle Enzo, Aunt Cathy and his Uncle-in-law, Arthur who used to be his driving instructor.

Yep. He still scares me.

Arthur pulls James into a hug, "Aw James, it's my favourite nephew,"

"I'm your only nephew..." James replies in confusion.

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