left the nest

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my OS book is so messy because everything isn't in chronological order 😂


Riley's car pulls up at the driveway to my house and my Mum rushes out to greet her.

I roll my eyes as I sit out on the porch with my luggage. For some reason, my Mum's sole purpose in life right now is to embarrass me in front of my girlfriend.

"Riley!" She smiles, opening the car door for her.

"Hey Deborah," Riley glances at me and I laugh remembering how many times she has told me that she doesn't know what to do when my Mum talks to her.

"What have you done to my baby boy? He got up bright and early this morning and took a shower. I have never seen him so organised in my entire life," Mum rambles happily.

She takes Riley's arm and leads her towards me. I stand up and smile as Riley wraps her arms around my neck, I hold her by the waist.

"Good morning," She mumbles in my shirt.

"Have you had breakfast yet?" I ask

Riley raises an eyebrow, "Have you?"

"Yes, I don't sleep in all the time," I chuckle, Riley gives off a cute giggle.

She turns her head to look at my Mum probably fussing over my luggage but I look at Riley for awhile longer with a smile on my face before turning my head as well.

"James, how about you leave that poor girl alone for just one minute so we can start moving your stuff into the car," Mum tells me

I sigh and Riley laughs as I reluctantly take my arms off her.

"I can help you if wanted?" Riley suggests

Mum shakes her head, "No, we'll take care of it, thank you dear. You already do so much for your life like applying for business school while James, over here, is still in a high school band living in his parents house,"

I stare at my Mum, "Well can't you see that I'm moving in with Riley? Also I graduated two years ago, and the band has nearly recorded our first EP for an indie label,"

Mum isn't even listening to me as she turns around to talk to Riley. I shake my head and pick up a box full of stuff, opening the back of the car.

"I heard you got accepted to the business school just out of town?" Mum asks

"Yes I did, the one Emily went to. Just thirty minutes away from here. My apartment is in between both our workspaces so that's why it's ideal for both of us," Riley replies

I grab my suitcase filled with clothes that will probably be stolen by Riley one day or another.

They start talking about Riley's future and I zone out a bit. Maybe Mum is right that my career with the band might not work out. I'm so proud of Riley for getting into business school. But what will my future be if this will fall apart? Luke hasn't been showing up to practices lately or been focused as a front man of the band. But I can't tell Riley about this or my Mum because they will both worry. I'm sure Luke has a reason, I just need to wait it out before he tells us.

I finish putting my stuff in the car and my Mum walks up to me, she grabs my arm and pulls me to the other side of the car, away from Riley.

"Yes?" I ask, confused.

"James, we need to talk," Mum says seriously

My eyes widen, "Mum, I'm fine, okay? I already know what happens and I assure you that-"

Mum presses a finger against my lips, "I don't care, I need to talk to you about this issue. I know you are both in 'love'," She air quotes the word 'love' with her hands.

I shake my head, "We are in love,"

"Whatever you say honey," Mum smiles, "Now leaving you two alone isn't a great idea and I've talked to her parents about it and they said that it wasn't a great idea either but we both decided that we should at least trust you two because you are adults now,"

"Mum, oh my god can we stop talking about this," I hiss

"Just make sure-"

"I care about her Mum, okay, and I won't do anything. Neither of us is ready to become parents!" I shout

I clamp my mouth with my hands. I glance over the car to see Riley staring at me and I look away in embarrassment.

"Honey, if you both want to talk about it, it's okay," Mum tries to console me.

"No! No! I'm okay, we're okay. Just stop, okay? Can I go?"

"Yes, but remember we're gonna keep an eye on you and visit every fortnight," Mum kisses me on the cheek.

I climb into the passenger seat of the car and hide my face by looking out the window. Riley comes into the car a minute later after hugging my Mum.

She starts the engine and starts driving, "Are you okay, James?"


"I heard-"

"I don't want to talk about it right now," I tell her.

"Well I just wanted to let you know that I agree and respect your decision and I care about you as well,"

I turn and face her but she just looks straight out on the road with a smile on her face.

914 words

Should I make a part 2?

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