only people in the room

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"So we have to make a study about advertising and how it affects the marking value of a product," One of my classmates explains.

I've decided to bring my assignment group to my apartment to study.

I nod, "Okay so how about we research some statistics and examples of successful brands like-"

The door to my apartment opens and James comes in with a wide smile. I was expecting him to come home later today from band.

"Hey James," I smile.

He crosses over to me, leaning against the back of my chair. James bends forwards and kisses me on the cheek gently.

"I hope you didn't mind but I brought my study group here to work on an assignment,"

James looks up at the others surprised, like he didn't notice them before when he came in, "Oh hey, I'm James, Riley's boyfriend," They all greet him politely.
"Well I'll leave you guys to study,"

I smile at him and he moves down the hall. I hear the sound of running water so he must be taking a shower.

I snap back to the group, turning my laptop on and I notice one of the girls in my group still looking in the direction James just went to. I narrow my eyes, slightly protective of him. It happens all the time for some reason, whenever I introduce James to a girl that I'm friends with, they always pay a lot of attention to him. They always talk to me about him, what he's doing, what he likes.

That's why to be honest, it's one of the downsides of this new environment I got myself into. I know James's heart is always with me but I just get a sinking feeling in my chest whenever someone else looks at him like that.

I look down at my work, trying not to pay attention to that thought.

After awhile of reading articles, James comes back in a T-shirt and some sweatpants.

"Are you guys hungry?" He asks, "I'll be happy to order pizza,"

Knowing James is probably charging his phone at the moment or has misplaced it somewhere like he does frequently, I take my phone out of my pocket and throw it to James, he catches it and winks at me, "Thanks baby,"

I blush slightly and turn away, still not used to the nicknames he calls me.

"I'll have pepperoni," The same girl who was looking at him before, tells James.

My boyfriend smiles at her, "That's my favourite pizza," James chuckles, "Riley doesn't like it though so more for me and you!"

He leaves the room again, pressing the phone against his ear. I glance to the girl who bites her lip, trying to contain her wide smile. I suddenly feel sick.

I get up from my chair, excusing myself to go to the toilet. As soon as I'm out of eyesight, I fast walk down the hall. I'm stopped abruptly when I crash into James.

I stumble backwards but his pair of arms stops me from falling, "Woah, slow down," James chuckles.

"Sorry," I whisper, moving slightly to get the bathroom but he stops me again.

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