the definition of beautiful

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James takes my hand and leads me up the stairs on the bridge.

"Are we even allowed to be up here?" I ask cautiously

He laughs, "Chill, Riley. There's a reason they put stairs here,"

"Ever thought they put stairs here so that maintenance people could do their job?" I comment.

"Don't even worry about it, if security comes I'll run away from them. Thanks for being concerned about me, Riley," I frown and push him. James grabs onto the railings more tightly, "Okay, okay, I was joking, chill,"

I laugh and hold his hand again. Cars zoom below us on the bridge and finally we reach the platform.

We make our way to the middle of it and James stares down at the highway, "I've always wanted to know what it's like up here,"

He sits down and dangles his feet from the railing I sit next to him and rest my head on his shoulder.

The sun has just a come down over the city and only the highway lights and head lights from cars illuminate the area.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" James whispers and moves his head to kiss my forehead.

I nod and look up at him. He's so enthusiastic about this, a sweet smile plays on his lips. The shadows cast by the bridge only make his eyes shine brighter in the darkness. His hair ruffles with the cold wind. He just looks so... beautiful.

James catches me looking at him and pulls an arm over my shoulder. I take his hand and play with it distractingly.

"What's wrong?" He whispers, "You're kind of quiet today,"

I take his arm off my shoulder so I can hold his hand properly, I take a deep breath and feel his forehead press against my temple.

"Tell me or I'll use the eyes again," He teases

I look at down at our hands intwined together, keeping silent. I just have so much on my mind right now.

James sighs and looks up at the night sky. He points up suddenly and I follow it to a star.

"See that?" He says softly, "It's four light years away from us. How do you reckon something so alone knows that it's beautiful?"

I smile slightly, "Did you search that up?"

James laughs and leans his head against the railing, looking at me, "The star doesn't know it's beautiful because no one tell it that. It doesn't see how beautiful it really is," He whispers. I look back at James, a smile playing on my lips, "You don't know how beautiful you are, Riley,"

I move closer to him, my face next to his. He looks down at my lips and then back up at my eyes. I could easily melt if he looks at me like this everyday.

"Maybe you are the one who doesn't know how beautiful you are, James," I whisper.

James chuckles and it tickles slightly as his warm breath brushes on my lips. I move closer until my nose touches his and our foreheads press together.

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