can't live without you (part two)

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The paramedics pull me away from him as I try to stay by James's side.

"Miss, please stay back," One of them tells me as they lift him onto a stretcher quickly and onto the ambulance.

The police direct people away from the area and talk to witnesses, scribbling notes onto their notepads.

A paramedic comes towards me, "Are you in anyway close to this man in the hospital?"

"He-he's my boyfriend," I manage to croak out

The paramedic turns and beckons an officer over to my side. They talk for a bit about me, ignoring that I'm next to them.

"Is it possible if I could ask her some questions?" The officer asks the paramedic

"Not in her state, it's obvious that she's in shock. I'll provide you with her personal contact details once she's in hospital," The paramedic turns to me, "Let's get you into the ambulance, miss,"

He takes my hand and puts me quickly into the passenger seat of the vehicle. The door shuts and it takes off immediately, in a rush. The sirens go on and I don't have the courage to turn around and look at James.

"How severe is the bleeding?"One of the paramedics ask

There's a long silence, "Internal. We have to get him to the hospital quickly... if he has any chance of surviving,"

"His breathing is irregular,"

"Do we have an ID on his person? They would want a medical background check,"

My eyes are red raw from crying and wiping my tears away. The water now stings my eyes. I notice that my hands are bleeding from the contact on the floor when James pushed me out of the way.

I cover my ears with my hands, shutting my eyes tightly and curling into a ball. I cough on my spit gathered in my mouth.

This can't be happening.

This can't be happening to him.


"Riley," A familiar voice whispers.

I open my eyes, greeted by a blinding light. I close them again, everything hurts... including my heart.

"Riley, are you awake?"

My head spins, the voice sounds a mile away echoing in my brain.

"James?" I ask slightly smiling, knowing that he's the person who is always with me when I wake up.

"It's me... Emily," It says instead

I open my eyes fully, my sister is close to my face, looking at me sadly. For a split second I forgot all about what had happened, James is...

"Where the hell am I?" I ask in panic looking around, my breathing quickens.

"Riley, calm down, you are at the hospital," Emily says softly, placing a hand on my shoulder, "James is- James is in surgery right now. He's fine, he will be fine,"

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