The Effect #5

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Once they are all asleep I quietly start my prank with Peter and add the pink streaks in. I move onto James then Remus all without a flaw but when I get to Sirius I realize he's in his animagus form. This will be much more difficult as I don't know if it will effect his human form, I sincerely hope it does. I continue colouring his fur.

Once I'm done with the dye I start on adding the unicorns 🦄 muggle style not actual ones the my little pony type ones, to their possessions. I use trick glue to stick it to James' glasses so that he can't remove it with out the anti gluewhich I will graciously give to him once he has suffered adiquitly. I also transfigure all of Remus' books to children's books. I decide to be nice to him and leave the counter spell on a piece of parchment in one of them because honestly I can't hate my best friends father. I then use the charm colovaria to change all of the marauders robes to pink. I move onto Peter and transfigure his shoes into heels that are super tall but not to tall for him to walk in. I then take Sirius' hair products and hide them in James' cloak which I leave in his trunk.

Before I leave I turn to my animagus form and leave a striped paw print on each of their beds gently of course so I won't wake them. ( Of course I'm an animagus sadly I'm difficult to hide but still it's cool af. I was born an animagus, imagine my mothers surprise when I shifted into this small tiger cub while eating dinner one night. Of course she freaked out, my Dad had to explain everything to her because at this point he realized that being a squib didn't keep him out of the Magic world now that his daughter was showing signs of magic.)



I woke up in the morning to Remus yelling. Groaning I fall off the bed that we have made and look over but instead of Remus I see something pink fall in my eyes. Curious I reach up and grab the pink fluff I pull on it to get it off and realize with pain it's attached to my head. Okay now I need to see my head I run to the bathroom and look in the mirror to see a lot of pink in my hair. Oh Merlin who ever did this is gonna pay! I growl as I stalk out of the bathroom and grab my wand to remove it.

"It won't work mate," sighs Moony "I already tried."

"Ugh, who did this?" I ask as I look at James' bed and see a large striped paw print on the end of his duvet. I look over to my bed and my eyes lock onto the same print as well as on Peter and Remus' bed as well. Wow, this person must be good they have their own mark to leave at the scene of the crime and everything.

"What does the print mean do you think?" I ask Remus thoughtfully, "could it be a zebra cause of the black and white stripes?"

"Merlin your really thick sometimes aren't you?" Says Remus exasperatedly, "it can't be a zebra look at it its a paw print not a hoof print, therefore it must be a tiger and by the colours a white tiger. So we are dealing with a white tiger prankster who just surfaced this year. What do you wanna bet that it is Jetta?"

I stare at Remus "this is why you are the one of books, Mr solver of the great mysteries".

Remus looks towards me then the to lugs still in bed ignoring my comment says, "how are they not awake yet, are we not loud enough? Sirius do you mind?". I grin and shift into Padfoot.

I crawl I between them in our bed (we all pushed our beds together in first year)[credit to LycanthropicMess for some of these ideas I took from a headcannons book because they are great] and bark loudly causing James to jump away and Peter to screech.

I shift back and head over to my trunk to get ready to head to breakfast. I hear James and Peter behind me whining about the pink hair as Remus try's to explain it all to them. I see that all my robes are also pink. I am going to get her for this, no one gets away with pranking a Black or a marauder and I happen to be both. You better believe that I am gonna create a war out of this.

"Oi, will you guys shut up already, we've been pranked okay! So what are we gonna do about it? Prank her back of course, this means war." I yell at them answering my own question while changing into my robes.

Remus says "I am not being counted in on this prank Pads okay. I mean look at what she did to us and all we did is prank her with a bit of slime that wasn't even intended for her specifically this is way worse with a whole school of embarrassment." I see Peter looking like he agrees with Moony.

I look to Prongs "you agree with me right mate?".

James looks at me with pity and regret before saying "Sorry man I don't know about this one I agree that she started a war but I want to let this one cool down a bit first I mean we can't be looking soft so we do have to retaliate but I don't want it to be big because she looks like she is one to over react...."

"Fine. I'll deal with it myself then." I whisper as I leave the room. If I have to be pink all day so be it I'm gonna wear it like I'm proud no matter what I won't give her the reaction she is looking for.


Hey guys, I'd love some feed back what do you guys think so far?

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