Harry Potter and The Soul Guide

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It was a quiet, sunny summer's day at the end of June. Little children could be seen jumping through the icy cold sprinklers all over the town of Little Whinging, Surrey. All down the street of Privet Drive were people who felt that it would be a perfect day to walk their dogs.

How very foolish they are, thought Harry Potter, as he watched these people from his bedroom window. Don’t they understand the dangers they’re putting themselves in?

At this last thought, he chuckled to himself. It was a cold laugh, with no happiness held within.

Of course they wouldn’t know. Muggles wouldn’t know of the dangers of the wizarding world.

And with one last glance out the window, he resumed packing. Harry Potter was a sixteen, almost seventeen, year old wizard. He had messy jet-black hair, and emerald green eyes, that were behind a pair of round glasses. The only thing that was peculiar about him was the lightning shaped scar on his forehead, which was almost hidden underneath his messy hair. When he was a kid of eleven years old, he loved his scar, but now he hated it, for it was a memory of his horrible past, and a foreshadowing of his gruesome future.

When he was a year old, his parents, Lily and James Potter, had to go into hiding due to a power-hungry wizard killer, by the name of Voldemort. The Potters trusted their lives with one of their best friends, Peter Pettigrew, and in the end, Pettigrew sold them out. Not even a week later, on Halloween night, Voldemort broke into their home in Godrics Hollow. He killed James first, and then went upstairs to the nursery in the hopes of killing him. But his mother, stepped in front of him, protecting him from the evil killer. In the end, she too was killed, which allowed Voldemort to step up and perform the famous killing curse, Avada Kedavra, on the little baby Harry. But because of his mother’s protection, the killing curse backfired, leaving an orphaned Harry with a scar, while Voldemort’s powers were destroyed. He was then taken to his aunt and uncles house, where he was to spend the next ten years of his live miserable, and oblivious to his peculiar past. It wasn’t until Hagrid, the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Gamekeeper, brought him his school letter at the age of eleven that he knew what and who he was.

Since then, Voldemort had once again returned to full power. At the end of Harry’s fifth year, he was told why Voldemort had tried to kill him as a baby. The Hogwarts Divination Professor, Sibyll Trelawney, gave a prophecy, which was heard by the late headmaster, Albus Dumbledore. The prophecy basically said that a child born at the end of July to parents, who had thrice defied Voldemort, was the only one who could kill him. Severus Snape, one of the Dark Lord’s followers, heard half of it, and told his master immediately. So Voldemort went to kill Harry in the hopes of destroying his only threat, but in the end, he created his only threat, for when the curse backfired, he transferred some of his powers to Harry, making him stronger.

It was only a few months ago that he learned from Dumbledore how he was supposed to fulfill his destiny. In the years of Voldemort’s reign, he split his soul into seven parts. Two of the split souls, or horcruxes, have already been destroyed, but when all seven of them are gone, Voldemort will be able to be killed.

Harry grabbed the locket in his pocket as this thought crossed his mind. He had obtained this locket with Dumbledore about a month ago. This journey weakened the old headmaster, allowing him to be killed. The locket he’s holding now was supposed to be a horcrux, but was a fake, planted where the original was, by someone with the initials R. A. B.

Again, Harry looked out the window to find a pink and gold sunset. He quickly finished packing, and rushed down the stairs, to find his aunt, uncle, and cousin, standing around a table with a huge cake in the middle. The cake read: Happy Birthday Dudley.

Harry groaned, which he knew immediately was a mistake, for the whole family snapped their heads in his direction.

“What do you want, boy?” yelled Uncle Vernon. “It is extremely rude to interrupt a family party.”

There was a moment’s silence, which was broken by Aunt Petunia’s, “Well!?!”

“I’ve come to relieve you of your duties,” Harry said.

“What do you mean ‘relieve you of your duties,” Uncle Vernon replied, with a small glint in his eyes, which Harry took to meaning that he knew exactly what he was talking about.

“I’ve been invited to my friends’ brother’s wedding, so I’m leaving,” Harry answered.

“Are you coming back?” asked a very hopeful Dudley.

“No,” Harry replied. “After tonight I’ll be gone for good.”

“Is that old man coming to pick you up again?” Uncle Vernon asked, his temper starting to rise just thinking about it.

“No,” he answered simply, clutching the locket in his pocket as he did so.

“Why not,” Dudley asked.

“Because he’s dead.”

At these words, Aunt Petunia gasped with shock and her eyes suddenly got wide. “No,” she whispered.

“Yes, and now I must ask you a question,” he said, with a note of determination in his voice. “Do you even care?”

“About what?” Dudley asked.

“About me?”

The whole family seemed at a loss for words. All were obviously taken aback by his question, but Uncle Vernon was the one to answer it.

“Besides the fact that you’re leaving,” he stated simply. “No.”

“Yes, how could anyone care about a pebble in their shoe,” Aunt Petunia added, while Dudley nodded in agreement.

Harry had a feeling that this was going to be their answer, but couldn’t help feeling a little hurt and disappointment all the same.

“Well then,” he said, his voice quavering a bit out of a mixture of anger and sadness. “Looks like we all finally get what we want.”

He suddenly walked himself and his trunk to the door, and opened it, but before he left, he turned to Dudley and said, “Consider this seventeen years of birthday presents from me Dud,” and on those last words, he walked out into the dark night.

~~~Not my story I just love it so much I want others to read it

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