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It took a week for Harry’s letter to reach Ginny. She was ecstatic to read that he was doing okay and that he had already destroyed one horcrux. She couldn’t wait for him to get home so they could celebrate his return.

No one could believe just how fast the school year was going by. Before they knew it, it was Christmas, and they were being scheduled to go back to the Burrow. They packed their things, hopped aboard the train, and went back home. It took awhile, but when they left the train and saw their family they couldn’t help but run over to them.

Mrs. Weasley pulled all three of them into a big hug and said, “Oh, I missed you three!”

“We all did, Molly,” Mr. Weasley said. “Come on kids, lets get into the car and then we’ll talk about how school is going.”

When they all got into the car they began discussing how their year was going. Ginny told them that she’d just passed a Potions test with an O. Hermione told them that she was working on her Defense Against the Dark Arts training. Ron explained how he was getting E’s in Charms.

“That’s great you three!” Mrs. Weasley exclaimed. “I’m so proud of all of you! And I expect you’ve heard the news about Fleur being pregnant, and Remus and Tonks getting engaged?”

“Of course!” Hermione said. “We were so excited! When are Remus and Tonks getting married?”

“Well,” Mr. Weasley said, “Remus doesn’t want to have a wedding without Harry there. He says he wants Harry to be his best man. But still, no one knows where Harry is. No one has heard from him at all. Remus is… not handling that very well. He’s been very down lately. I expect he proposed to Tonks to make things a little better, but it’s not really working for him.”

“Aww, poor Remus,” Hermione said. “None of us have heard from Harry either. We thought maybe he would contact us, but… nothing.”

“Maybe that’s a good sign!” Ginny yelled. “Maybe it’s good we’re not hearing from him. Maybe it means that he’s doing good, and he’s too busy to write to us!”

“Well, I guess it could be a good thing, but we don’t know,” Mrs. Weasley said. “The ministry hasn’t heard from him at all either. Every once in awhile they’ll get a trace of magic from him, but other than that, nothing.”

“Well, I’m sure Harry is fine,” Ginny said.

“We hope you’re right, Ginny dear,” Mrs. Weasley replied.

“Trust me, Mum,” Ginny said, and they were quiet the rest of the ride.

Harry was sitting down over a camp fire. He’d started it with just a sticks and twigs, and he was pretty proud of himself. It was winter time and it was cold outside, so it was vitally important that he started a fire before he froze to death.

Ever since he started his quest he hadn’t got much sleep. With the warmth of the fire and the peacefulness of the outside, he fell asleep.

“Harry,” said that mysterious voice. “Harry, look at me.”

“Dad?” Harry asked. “What are you doing here?”

“Lily!” James called. “Lily, he’s sleeping, quick!”

The image of his mother appeared right in front of his eyes. She looked like she’d been waiting for a moment when he was peacefully sleeping to enter his dreams again.

“Harry!” she exclaimed. “Oh, Harry, thank goodness! I’ve been waiting for you. I’m so sorry we keep getting interrupted.”

“It’s okay, Mum,” he said. “There’s no one here right now, just me in the woods.”

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