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Harry slid down entrance just as easily as he did when he was twelve. He noticed that nothing had changed much since his last visit, as the rocks were still blocking the entrance. But, as he was much older now, he pulled his wand out and blew the rocks to pieces, giving him an entry to the Chamber of Secrets.

Once it was safe to enter, he walked silently through, scared to death that if he made any noise he would be heard and killed. It took a while for him to find the main door, which was a huge round stone, snakes engraved all over it. Just as he did with the sinks, he said “Open up!” in the famous snake language.

The snakes all slithered away from the stone, unlocking it. Without a sound, he walked into the familiar chamber, waiting to face his destiny. Sure enough, the chamber held what looked like hundreds of death eaters, all surrounding a cloaked figure in the middle that Harry assumed to be his target: Voldemort.

His steps seemed to echo all around the chamber as his heart raced furiously. But, even though he felt as if he was making a ton of noise, the death eaters didn’t seem to notice him one bit.

After getting close enough to find the last horcrux, he hid himself behind a statue so as not to be seen. Quiet as a mouse he whispered in snake language, “Nagini, come to me.” He watched as the snake looked around curiously, and then followed the sound of his voice.

As the snake was slithering her way to him he heard a bit of what the death eaters were talking about.

“Lucius!” Voldemort hissed from the center of the circle. “Do you have any word on that blasted Potter yet?”

“Well, Master,” Lucius said nervously. “I don’t… well… according to the Daily Prophet, Potter was killed about a month ago.”

Voldemort raised his wand threateningly at his servant and, after realizing that this was indeed his answer, he used the Cruciatus Curse against him.

The snake was getting closer to Harry, and sweat beamed down his face as he continued to listen to the conversation.

“That blasted Potter has been getting on my nerves for almost seventeen years now!” Voldemort screamed. “And for three years I’ve been waiting for you to destroy him, Lucius! Still he lives, and it’s all your fault.”

Harry watched as Malfoy writhed in pain on the floor. But, as the snake got closer to Harry, he couldn’t help but think that, after all Malfoy had done, he deserved it.

Finally, after what felt like forever, the snake slithered its way up to Harry. Wand at the ready, he hissed the famous spell that would end his journey.

“Attero Animus!” he whispered, and watched as the snake lit up, causing memories to flash before his very eyes. He watched what he had watched three years previous: Frank Bryce, the helpless muggle, die; he listened to Voldemort’s cruel laugh as the muggle fell to the floor; he watched as the light disappeared, and the snake fell to the floor, dead.

Harry wiped the sweat from his face as he realized that what he was about to do was almost suicidal. But, in a way, he had no choice. It was written in the stars, and only he could do what needed to be done. And so, gathering up as much strength as he could, he grabbed the snake and stepped from behind the statue.

Voldemort stopped his long speech as he realized that his snake was gone. He his in snake language the name of his precious pet, but to no avail. Nagini didn’t come. But Harry did.

“Looking for this?” Harry asked, sliding the dead serpent on the floor in Voldemort’s direction.

“Harry Potter,” Voldemort said, a smile crawling across his snake-like lips. “I was just talking about you. Yes, I was looking for my snake, but I see you found her before I did.”

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