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“Ron, have you seen Ginny today?” Hermione asked. “I haven’t seen her since breakfast this morning. I’m curious to know how her classes were today.”

“Err… I think she went to see Slughorn about something,” he replied. “I’m not too sure though, because I saw her in the library today, too. I think she’s turning into you a bit Hermione.”

“Ha ha,” she said, “very funny. But really though, I’m curious to know how her first day went.”

“Well, check the library,” he said.

“I think I might just go do that,” she said. “Maybe we can study together.” With those last words, she left the common room and headed to the library.


“Professor Slughorn?” Ginny asked after class.

“Well, Miss Weasley, how may I help you today?” he replied, getting ready for his next class.

“Professor… did you tell Harry what a horcrux was last year?” she asked.

“Why?” he said as he jumped. “Why do you want to know? I don’t have a clue what those are!”

“Whoa, Professor… I was just asking if you knew how to destroy one?” she asked, trying to calm the Professor down. “I already know what they are. Harry explained it to me last year.”

“Oh…,” he said, calming down. “Well, Miss Weasley, I do know what they are, and I do know how to destroy them. Why do you ask?”

“Well, Professor, you see… I was looking in the library for them all afternoon,” she said. “All I want to know is how to destroy them. But it seems like there is not a book in this whole school that tells what they are. Why is that?”

“Well, Miss Weasley,” he said. “Dumbledore removed all the books that contained knowledge about horcruxes when he was headmaster.”

“Professor, can you please tell me how to destroy one?” she asked. “I’m really curious, and it’ll bug me until I know.”

“Oh…,” he said, “Well, it’s quite simple. All you have to do is point your wand at the horcrux in question and say ‘Attero animus.’ When you say that, the soul that resides in the object will be vanquished, and it’ll go back to being just an object.”

“Attero… animus?” she repeated, and the Professor nodded his head. “Thank you Professor Slughorn! Thank you so much!”

“Your very welcome, Miss Weasley,” he said, and she ran out the door.


Ginny was sitting at her desk, writing a letter to Harry, when Hermione walked in.

“Hey you,” Hermione said, and Ginny quickly covered up her letter. “How was your day?”

“Oh… you know,” she said, “Same old, same old.”

“Yeah?” Hermione asked. “I heard you had to talk to Slughorn today. What about?”

“Oh… err… I just needed to ask him a question about homework, that’s all,” she answered.

“Oh… well why didn’t you just ask me, I could’ve helped you?”

“Well… it was just a simple question really, didn’t want to bother you with it.”

“I see…,” she said. “You know, Ginny, you can come to ask me anything, even simple questions. I wouldn’t mind at all.”

“Aww… thanks Hermione,” she replied. “That’s so sweet! I will next time, but right now I’ve got a letter to write.”

“Oh? To who?” she asked, her eyebrows raising.

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