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Harry was rushed to the hospital wing immediately. Nobody knew what had happened or why he’d just suddenly passed out, but they did know that it could be serious. The whole Order went with him, Ginny leading the way as his breathing was getting fainter and fainter.

Once in the hospital wing, the nurse shooed them out, saying that she had to do what she did in peace. Ginny, however, refused to leave.

“Miss Weasley, if you want him to heal, you need to leave,” she said angrily. “He needs rest and relaxation, and you here will just complicate things!”

“I don’t care!” she screamed at the nurse. “I will not be leaving him. Not now, not ever! I’ve been waiting for him to come back for almost a year, and you cannot kick me out at this moment.”

“Ginny,” Hermione said in a very calm Hermione-ish way. “If you want him to get better, then you should leave. What if he really does need quiet right now?” But the young witch silenced herself at the sight of her friend’s face.

“Hermione, what would you do,” Ginny said through tears. “What would you do if Ron was in Harry’s place right now? Would you just leave him? Or would you stay and do all you could?”

“Ginny,” Ron cut in. “Hermione’s right. What if you just make things worse?” But Ginny wasn’t going to take this from anybody.

“Don’t you two get it?” she asked, while the Order ran over to her and tried to calm her. “Don’t any of you get it? This isn’t just some stupid stubborn battle to be by his side. If I’m not there, I won’t be able to live with myself.”

“Gin,” Tonks said, running to help her friend. “Ginny, sometimes what we want isn’t always best. Trust me, okay. If you really care for him, then leave him for awhile.”

“I don’t just care for him!” she screamed back. “I LOVE him!” Instantly, everyone’s mood changed. Nobody knew just how much Ginny cared about him, and now that they knew… it was hard to stop her from seeing him. “I love him so much, and I will not leave him! Not ever!” She pushed past the nurse and into the hospital wing, where she ran over to Harry and grabbed hold of his hand, refusing to let it go.

“Miss Weasley!” the nurse yelled, but Professor McGonagall stopped her.

“Let Miss Weasley stay, Poppy,” she said, smiling at the young woman who was looking straight into their hero’s closed eyes. “Maybe this is what is best.”

“Fine!” the nurse said. “But if Miss Weasley dares get in my way, she’s out of here, do you understand that?” Everyone nodded, and the nurse closed the door behind her.


All Harry could see was darkness. He had no clue where he was, or why he was there, for the last thing he remembered was throwing Voldemort’s wand in the fire. He couldn’t see anything, and just wanted to go back to where he was just a few moments ago. But how he could do it, he didn’t know.


“What is that?” Ginny asked as a muggle contraption was brought into the room. It looked like a huge television screen with a thin green line running across it. The nurse hooked it up to Harry, and somehow it started beeping.

“It’s a heart monitor,” the nurse said. “When the line goes flat, than Mr. Potter’s heart will have stopped. I’m going to do my best to keep that from happening, though.”

Ginny just stared at the monitor, watching the line move up and down, up and down; listening to the constant beeps that emitted from the machine. But, as annoying as the sound was to her, she knew that as long as it kept going, Harry was still alive. And that’s all she really wanted.


Harry was looking around the darkness, trying to find a way out of it. Suddenly, his black surroundings turned white, and he could see again.


Ginny had fallen asleep when she heard Harry’s heart line go flat, and the beep become a constant. She stood up fast, screaming for the nurse. But the nurse couldn’t do anything to help him.

“Ginny, he’s gone,” she said, holding the girl tightly. “I can’t help him now, honey. He’s gone. I’m so sorry, Ginny.”

“No,” she cried, letting her hysterical tears fall from her face. “No, there must be something you can do! You’re a witch, isn’t there anything that can be done?”

“I’m afraid,” she said, looking the girl in the eyes. “That no magic can bring a person back from the dead. I’m so sorry Miss Weasley.”

The nurse stood up and brought in all the Order members from outside the hospital wing. It only took a few moments for them to understand what exactly was going on, and it only took a few moments for the tears to reach their eyes as well.

“Harry, come back!” Ginny screamed, banging her fists on his dead chest. “You swore to me you’d come back! You promised me you wouldn’t leave me again! So come back NOW!” But no matter what she said, she knew that he would never come back, and this thought tore her up inside.


“Harry,” Lily Potter said from behind him. “Harry, you’ve finally come to join us. We’ve been waiting for you for so long.”

As his eyes got used to the bright light, he realized that it was not only his mother that was waiting for him, but Sirius, Dumbledore, and his father. He smiled at the sight of them all again, and started to follow them into the brighter light.

But, just as he was about to enter the unknown realm that lay before him, he stopped, for a sound had hit his ears. He heard cries coming from all around him, the cries of the ones he loved. But there was one cry that stood out and made him stop.

“Harry, please don’t go,” said Ginny’s voice from behind him. “You promised me you’d never leave again. You swore to me, Harry Potter!”

He froze in shock and sadness. “Wait!” he said to the four people leading the way into the light. “I can’t join you. I…,” he paused and looked below him, where he saw the figure of Ginny crying by his side. “I can’t live without her.”

The four people in front on him just stared at him for a moment, then smiled. James walked over to him and put his hands on his son’s shoulders.

“Go to her, Harry,” he said. “And whatever you do, don’t leave her again. She needs you just as much as you need her.” Harry nodded his head, gave his mother, father, Sirius, and Dumbledore each a hug, and slowly disappeared, leaving them behind.


Harry’s eyes were open so fast that his heart monitor hadn’t even begun to beep again. He looked around him to see all his loved ones crying for him. Slowly he moved his hand and put it on Ginny’s cheek.

“It’s… alright… Ginny… don’t cry,” he said, watching her face turn to his as he smiled up at her. Her tearful eyes instantly became full of joy as they fell on his living face. “I’m keeping my promise,” he said with a smile, and she gave him a soft kiss on the lips.

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