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“Hey Ginny, we’re hungry, you want to come down to the kitchen with us?” Ron asked as him and Hermione were on their way out the portrait hole.

“Yeah,” she replied. “Yeah, you know, I am kind of hungry. A pumpkin pasty with a good butter beer sounds kind of good.”

“Well, then come on,” Hermione said. “We’re not getting any younger.”

Ginny laughed at the muggle saying and joined the couple to the kitchens. As they walked down there they talked about many things. School, family, friends, and Harry.

“I wonder where he is?” Hermione said. “You think the ministry has had any tips yet?”

“Well, I haven’t heard anything,” Ginny replied. “I read the paper everyday, just in case… well you know.”

“We understand, Ginny, we’re worried about him too,” said Hermione. “We’re worried about all the others too.”

“Oh, I got a letter from Mum today!” Ron said. “She told me that everything is going okay at home. Remus and Tonks are officially engaged, and… Fleur is pregnant!”

Both Ginny and Hermione squealed at those words. The second he said that Fleur was pregnant she realized that in just a few months she would be an aunt. She also thought of Tonks. Awesome Tonks, who finally was getting what she wanted. Maybe Tonks would make her a bridesmaid. But she knew there was no way Remus would have the wedding without Harry.

As if she read her mind, Hermione said, “Do you think Remus will have the wedding without Harry? I mean, he is, after all, his best friends son.”

“I doubt he will,” said Ginny. “I don’t know if you two knew this, but Remus is Harry‘s guardian.”

At these words, both Ron and Hermione looked at her. They obviously didn’t know that bit of information.

“No way!” Hermione exclaimed. “I had no idea! I knew Remus was protective of Harry, but I didn’t know that he was Harry’s guardian!”

“Wow!” said Ron. “That explains so much. Now we know why Remus was so keen on Harry going back to school.” He paused for a moment, then said, “Why didn’t Harry tell us?”

“Well, he didn’t really know until a week before he ran away,” Ginny said. “Remus told him when Harry told Remus he wasn’t going back to school.”

“We had no idea!” Hermione exclaimed.

“Yes, well,” Ginny said, thinking of how she was the one who helped Harry out of the house. “There’s a lot you two don’t know.”

“What is that supposed to mean?” Ron asked.

“Nothing,” Ginny said, “just forget I said anything, okay?” When Ron and Hermione both looked at her curiously, she said, “Oh look, there’s the portrait of the fruit.” She jumped up, tickled the pear, and said, “Come on, lets get something to eat.”

The moment they entered the kitchens, two house elves greeted them.

“Miss Wheezy! Mr. Wheezy! Miss Granger! Dobby hasn’t seen you since Mr. Wheezy’s wedding!” said Dobby. “How is you three? Where is Mr. Harry Potter?”

“Hello, Dobby,” Ginny said. “Harry isn’t here with us. He quit school this year to go out and fight Vol-- I mean, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.”

“You mean… Dobby will not be’s seeing him this year?”

“No, Dobby, I’m sorry,” Hermione said. “But we’re here! We came down here to see you!”

“And to get something to eat,” Ron said, and Hermione nudged him in the ribs. “Ow! But mostly we came here to see you, Dobby.”

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