iNSaNiTY - SongFic

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This song is one I discovered sometime ago, but just got recently. It is really amazing, at least I think so. I've decided to make a songfic for it, cause it's like, that amazing.

Btw, this "song" is iNSaNiTY by Circus. I tried to put it in the multimedia, but it wouldn't let me. Apparently, the link isn't valid >.<

So, I have it through external link. Just click it and it should take you to the video!

This one will be a little sad, don't say I didn't warn you. In fact, there was no was I could make this happy, because of the song. It's my first time doing a songfic/one-shot based on a song, so please tell me how you like and if I should make more!



Everything is said and done.

Really, there was nothing more to say. What could they say about her, anyway? They'd done enough damage already. She was already lost in the dark.

Everyone has had their fun.

Everyone had already killed her from the inside. They'd had there fun with her, now what? Left her to die, rot in the corner like she'd always been doing.

Time to my exist from this,
Fairy Tale,

Living in the clouds was no longer an option. She wasn't able to survive in her own little illusion anymore. She had to accept reality.

My departure was foreseen,
From the very beginning,

No one wanted her around. Of course she was going to leave; no one needed her. She was always alone, from the beginning.

Assume life of insanity, 

This loneliness was killing her. She couldn't take another day of this isolation. Her mind raced and her her pounded, emotions coursing through her veins at an alarming rate. She was going insane.


Lucy was saying goodbye to her happiness. With that one word, she was letting go of everything. She floated into her own mindless world of insanity.

Hello, nice to meet you,

Lucy had said to her inner darkness. Instead of fearing it, she was going to embrace it.

You seem familiar,
Have I met you before?

She had gone through this exact emotional torture before. Her insanity had come back because of this pink-haired boy that she had fallen in love with.

Goodbye, sweetie

She had waved to her sanity. She had simply let it slip away. It was too much for Lucy, she couldn't take more of it anymore.

Nice to see you,
Haven't talked in quite a while,

 She was losing control. After years of trying to hold on she was losing the battle. She was losing.

The weight of the air is torture,

She couldn't bear it. The air she breathed, her surroundings, the faint scents woven into the air, everything was suffocating her. She was slowly fading away.

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