Accidents and Languages

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Jogging out of the kitchen, I sighed out in frustration. I was usually a punctual person, however my children did not like to work with me in order to be on time. Lacie was always fussy in the morning, and Astrid could never seem to find her things. Monday, and I was going to be late to work, Astrid was going to be late to school, and Lacie was going to be late to daycare.

"Astrid!" I yelled up the stairs.

"I'm coming. I-I just can't find my practice jersey." She said, as I huffed. Walking into Lacie's room, I picked up the fussy girl. Walking out into the living room, I clipped the girl into her car seat. Running upstairs, I headed into the bathroom. Starting to brush my teeth, I sighed.

"Astrid!" I yelled again, my voice muffled by the foam.

"Mom, I can't find my jersey!" Astrid yelled back. Running into her room, I looked at the mess.

"This will be addressed after school." I mumbled, and she nodded. "Go downstairs and pack up your lunch." I said, and she nodded.

Searching through my daughters room, I found her black practice jersey. She preferred, and really needed her white one. Sighing out, I searched longer. Not being able to locate the white jersey, I ran out of her room. My toothbrush hanging loosely from my mouth, I quickly took the stairs.

Maybe I took them too quickly.

Hitting one of the steps, I slipped. Gasping, I felt my ankle give out on me. Tumbling down the first flight of stairs, I landed on the small landing. Crying out, I saw my toothbrush roll to a stop beside me. Looking at what I slipped on, I saw Astrids white jersey. Grabbing it, I cried out.

"Ow, dammit!" I yelled.

"Mom?" Astrid asked, as she saw me on the landing. "Mom?"

Standing up, I tried putting weight on my ankle. A pain went shooting up my leg, as I grabbed onto the railing.

"Okay, okay, okay." I mumbled. "Astrid, can you grab Lacie and take her out to the car?" I asked, and she nodded. Slowly making my way into the downstairs bathroom, I grabbed some athletic tape and formation tape. Quickly tapping my ankle, I then pulled on my shoe. Walking outside, I got into the car.

"Mom, are you okay?" Astrid asked.

"Fine, sweetie." I said.

Driving Astrid to school, the girl grabbed her bags and headed inside. I then took Lacie to daycare, and took her inside. I then drove to work, and parked in the parking lot. Slamming my fists on the wheel, I yelled.

"Fuck!" I yelled. Making my way inside, I stopped at the receptionist desk. Angela, the receptionist, scanned my card and checked me in.

"Hi Dr. King." Angela said.

"Morning Angela." I said.

"You're all good, see you later today." She said, and I nodded.

Heading to my lab, I gingerly walked on my ankle. Heading inside, I dropped my bag on my desk. Tying my hair up into a messy bun, I then pulled on my lab coat. Readjusting my glasses, I sighed out. Grabbing some Tylenol, I took three. Walking into the lab, I saw Kacie.

"Dr. King." She said.

"Morning Kacie." I said.

"Are you okay Dr. King, you look like you're walking strange." Kacie said, as I bit my lip.

"I'm okay." I said.

"Dr. King, I was in pre med before I switched over to bioengineering. Can I look at your ankle?" She asked, as I sighed.

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