Interrogations and Bad Reunions

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I put on a hoodie, as I then followed Pam out of the hotel room. She didn't say anything, and just walked us outside. We walked down the street, and soon ended up at a small cafe.

"I heard you speak French." Pam said, as I nodded.

"Yes ma'am." I said. 

"Could you order me a mocha please." Pam said, as I nodded.

"Puis-je avoir un moka et café s'il vous plaît?" I asked the waitress as she nodded and walked off.

"Impressive." Pam mumbled, as she glanced over the menu before setting it down. "So, tell me a bit about yourself, Cairo King."

"Um, well. I was born in Barcelona, but my family's from Boston." I explained.

"Why Barcelona?" She asked.

"My mom was an interpreter. I think it's why I have such a knack for languages." I said.

"Mhmm." She hummed. "What's your family background?"

"Hispanic. Spanish was my first language." I said.

"How many do you know?" Pam asked, as our coffee showed up.

"Twelve, including English." I said, as she sipped her coffee.

"Hmm." She said, and sighed after she set her cup down. "So, inform me what the circumstances were that got you a daughter at eighteen." Pam said, as I cleared my throat.

"Well um, me and my husband were high school sweethearts I guess they say." I said, and fidgeted with my hands. "I got pregnant, but my husband was in the military. So I got to go to school, and take care of Astrid. Tristan ended up getting diagnosed with small cell leukemia, from all his exposure in Afghanistan. He died, and a few months later I had Lacie."

"I'm sorry for your loss." Pam said. "But you did well raising your kids so far without him."

"Thank you." I said.

"I've always worried about who Alex picks to date." Pam said, as she tapped her nails against her cup. "They always tend to take advantage of her." She said and paused. "But, for once it seems she's picked someone good for herself."

"Thank you." I said, as she smiled slightly. It was soon gone.

"She's suffered more than you'd think, and I know you've felt that suffering too." Pam said, and sighed. "So please take good care of her. My daughters not broken, but she's fragile."

"I'll always have her back, because I know she'll always have mine." I said, as Pam nodded.

"Good answer." She said, and pulled out some money. She left it on the table, and stood up. "Get back to her, tell her good job from me."

"Yes ma'am." I said.

"You can call me Pam now, Caí. You've earned it." Pam said, and walked off.

I shook my head laughing slightly, and headed back to the hotel. Pam was reserved, but hopefully I could make her some around. Because I loved Alex, and I'd never hurt her.



The team beat Thailand with ease, and were now playing Sweden. We were already on to the round of sixteen, but I was still nervous. Sweden was aggressive, especially when they played us.

The game had started, and before I knew it Lindsey had scored. In the third minute we were up by one, but that didn't change. The half was rough, physical, and fast paced. Alex had the ball around half, a Swedish defender up on her. Before I knew it Alex's legs were getting swept out from under her, and she took a hard spill. The foul was given, but Alex hit her knee hard against the turf.

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