Work Accidents and First Games

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I was out of this damn cast, finally.

Alex went with me to the doctor, and everything went fine. It was time for Astrid to get back to school, and get Lacie to daycare. After I packed up Lacies things, I got us all in the car.


"Yes." Astrid said.


"Yes." She mumbled.


"Yes mom, yes." Astrid said.

"Okay, I just want you to be prepared." I said, as she sighed in the back seat. Handing Lacie my house hers, I then drove off towards the elementary school.

Pulling up to the drop off, I unlocked the doors. Astrid climbed out of the car, and grabbed her bags. I rolled down my window, and smiled at my daughter.

"I love you Strider." I said.

"Love you too Mom." Astrid said.

"I'll see you when I get home. Kens will pick you up when she's fine with work." I said, and she nodded.

"I know mom." Astrid said, and walked off. I sighed, and looked at my daughter walk off.

"Hi Cairo." A loud chipper voice said, as I jerked and hit my head in the side of my window frame.

"Mother-" I hissed, and grabbed my head. Pushing my blue tinted sunglasses up to my nose, I looked up at none other then Stacy West. "Stacy, hi." I mumbled.

"So, there's a PTA meeting tonight, at seven. All parents are suppose to come, we're discussing fundraising." She said, and I nodded.

"Um, yeah I'll try and make it. I might not be able to make it from work though." I said.

"Where do you work again?" She asked. "A restaurant, or was it a retail store?" She asked.

"No, no. I work in a lab, I'm a scientist." I said, as she nodded her head and put on a fake smile.

"Oh, and what do you do? Some small research?" Stacy asked, trying to make me sound dumb and uneducated.

"No. I'm working to cure cancer." I said. "I have to be going Stacy, I'll try and make it." I said, and began to roll up my window. She moved back, as I then started to drive off. "Bitch." I mumbled to myself.

Driving to work, I headed inside. I scanned my card at the front desk, as Mike the security guard waved me through. Heading into my lab, I sighed out at the empty space. I had given Kacie the week off, mainly because I just needed to work alone.

Pulling off my sunglasses, I dropped them and my bag on my desk. Pulling on my lab coat, I pulled my hair up into a messy bun. Walking out into the lab, I began working.

I did the tests I needed to do, and then started trying some different work. I pulled out a weaker, yet still very acidic, version of carborane. Opening it, I poured some of the contents into a flask. Setting the carborane aside, I went to grab another flask.

Walking back towards the table, I accidentally bumped into the table. Both flasks were threatening to fall off the table.

As I tried to catch the flasks, the carborane spilt. The chemicals pooled all across my forearms, as I screamed out. Pushing the flask up onto the table, I picked up the carborane flask. Letting my body fall to the floor, I looked at the burns forming on my arms and hand.

"Fuck!" I cursed. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!"

Standing up, I went and found the med kit in the lab. Opening it on one of the other tables, I pulled out the gauze. Wrapping my forearms and hand in the gauze, I then went and picked up the phone off my desk. Dialing the number to the front desk, I sighed out.

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