Sick Days and New News

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Caí and I talked about Tristan, and she was feeling better about it. We showed Emily and Kelley around town for a few days, but the two eventually had to leave. But today was another very exciting day.

Today was baby Lacie's birthday.

May 13th. Baby Lacie was one year old. She started looking more and more like Caí every day. Same dark brown hair, piercing hazel eyes, freckles galore. Adorable.

"Happy birthday baby girl." Caí said, as she scooped Lacie up from her high chair. The small girl pecked kisses on her moms lips, as I smiled.

"Mamá!" Lacie yelped, holding her arms out towards me. I smiled even bigger, and took the girl from Caí. Every time she called me that, I felt like my heart was gonna explode.

"Mom?" Astrid called from upstairs.

"Yeah Strider?" Caí said, as she walked out into the living room. I followed with Lacie in my arms.

"I don't feel good." Astrid mumbled. Caí immediately grew concerned, walking over to her oldest danger. Astrid had opened her arms, as Caí picked up the eleven year old. She placed her lips to Astrids forehead, and sighed.

"You've got a fever baby." Caí said. "Come on, let's get you in bed."

Caí soon returned, as she was throwing her hair up into a messy bun. She called Astrid into school, and then sighed out.

"I should call Kacie, let her know I can't come in." Caí said, as I slipped my arm around her waist.

"Or baby, why don't you go into work and I'll take care of Astrid." I said, kissing her forehead.

"I-I don't know I just-" Caí stammered.

"Flash, breathe." I said. "You'll go into work, I'll get things ready for Lacie's birthday and make sure Astrid is okay. I've got this babe." Caí took a deep breath, and sighed out.

"Okay, okay." Caí said.

She got ready for the rest of the day, and left after giving Astrid a kiss goodbye. She took Lacie to daycare, and was off to the lab.

I walked into Astrids room, seeing the mess on the floor. Stepping over some things, I sat on the bed beside Astrid.

"Hey Leo." I said, as she rolled over in her bed to face me.

"Hey." She mumbled.

"What can I do to help babygirl?" I asked, as she shrugged her shoulders. "Okay, I'm gonna get you some medicine, something small to eat. Do you want to come be downstairs by me?" I asked, as she slowly nodded. "Okay, I gotcha."

Picking up Astrid, I carried her downstairs. Laying her down on the couch, I got her a blanket. I gave Astrid some medicine, and then made her some toast. Turning on the tv, I let her watch Friends as she was in and out of her sleep.

I got things ready for Lacies birthday, and soon Kens was home. The girl hung up her coat and bag and walked into the kitchen.

"Wassup?" She asked.

"Not much." I said back in the same tone, as she laughed.

"Alex?" Astrid called out.

"What's up baby?" I called out.

"Can I have more medicine?" She asked, as I looked at the time.

"Yeah, sure thing." I said, and gave her some more. Kissing her forehead, I felt her fever starting to break.

"Will you sit with me?" Astrid asked, and I nodded.

"Sure, sure." I said.

Sitting down on the couch, I let Astrid wrap herself up around my torso. I engulfed her in my arms, and dropped the blanket over the both of us. We watched tv as Kens got some stuff ready. Soon Caí got home with Lacie.

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