Wasi and The Cure

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I went back to the hospital, had another surgery and had another graft put on. It was terrible. But it was fixed, I was home, this one would work.

It had to work.

Everything hurt again. To touch, if air blew on my arms, if I moved them to much. So I didn't do much. I sat around, I tried not to throw up, and I tried not to cry.

I was lying in bed, Alex sitting beside me. She was running her fingers through my hair, rubbing the small pointed tip of my ear with her forefinger and thumb. It was called a Darwinian node, and it just meant the top of my ears were pointed slightly. Alex loved them, and I loved when she played with them.

When she ran her fingers through my hair, it calmed me down, it always did. I was curled into her side, my forehead rested against her leg. She played with my hair, as I had my good hand rested beneath her leg. My bad arm was strapped to my body in a sling.

"I love you." Alex said, as I smiled.

"I love you too." I mumbled out against her leg, as she rubbed the tip of my ear.

"Babe, I need to go do some shopping. Do you wanna come?" She asked, and brushed her thumb over my cheek. "It might help keep your mind busy." She said, as I sighed.

"Yeah, I'll come." I mumbled.

Alex got up first, helping me sit up. Climbing out of bed, the two of us changed. It was warmer now here in California. I wore some white torn shorts, clashing with my tan skin, and a black long sleeve. Alex wore denim torn shorts and a maroon tee shirt.

We got in her Malibu, as we headed into town. The two of us did some shopping around some different shops, and then headed to the grocery store. As we walked through the aisle, I felt more and more nauseous.

"Al, I think I'm gonna puke." I mumbled, hanging into the grocery cart as we walked.

"Do you wanna go?" She asked. I stopped, and hung my head slightly. Holding back my throw up, I sighed out.

"Nope, nope I'm good." I said.

"You sure?" She asked, and I nodded. Alex went to give me a kiss, as I shook my head.

"You don't wanna kiss me right now." I said, as she laughed slightly. She pecked my forehead, as we continued walking through the grocery store.

We soon fished shopping, and headed home. I helped carry in some groceries, but Alex did most of it. It was a Saturday, so Astrid was at Halsey's. Kens took Lacie to the park awhile ago, so it was just the two of us.

"I need to go to the lab for a bit, do you wanna come?" I asked.

"Sure." She said, as she closed the fridge.

We then headed back to my lab, as I swiped my card at the front desk. I waved Alex through, and we headed through to the lab. Once we got in, I shimmied on my lab coat. Alex sat down on a table, as I grabbed some trays.

Beginning my research, I started using more arsenic in my samples. I sat down, and started using different concentrations for different patterns. Alex looked on from the table, a smile on her face.

As I was applying the arsenic to a sample and pattern of leukemia, I saw something amazing happen. The regiment I had made of arsenic and all the other chemicals, separated the cancer cells from the healthy cell. The cancer cells then dissipated.

"No way." I mumbled.

"What?" Alex asked.

"I ah, I think-I'd have to do more tests. But I think-I just cured leukemia." I said.

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