Do I Have To

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I heard a muffled scream echo through my head. I sat up and noticed it was my mom downstairs yelling for me to wake up. I looked at the mirror sighed. I stood up stumbling to my closet.

I opened the closet and looked at the cloths I set out to were today. I put on a t-shirt that had a big wolf on it. Then I grabbed my black leather jacket. I pulled on some jeans and walked over to the mirror. I ran my hand through my messy black hair. As I reached for the brush I froze as I realised what day it was. I let out a long sigh and angerly grunted.

I quickly brushed my hair and put on my shoes. I forced myself downstairs and sat at the diner table. My mom turned around and seemed to have a whole new attitude. "Hey Erik you should brighten up today is you big chance to get a spirit animal. I can't wait to see how beautiful it is." I furrowed my brow and immediately protested ,"why do I have to go. I already know I'm not going to get one. It runs in our family mom neither you or dad have a spirit animal neither did grandma and our great ancestors." my mom looked down and immediately perked up,"but you could change that for all you know you could get a mystical animal." my mom said putting my scrambled eggs down. I sighed at started eating my mom said ,"make sure you eat it all you need strength today." After eating all of my food I went upstairs and grabbed my phone.
As I went back downstairs and heard the honking of our car. I sighed and walked outside. I sat down and my mom went of rambling about spirit animals and guessing on what mines will be. I picked up my phone and started listening to my music.

As I listened to my music I got a text from dad saying,"Sorry son that I couldn't be there But good luck and I'm very proud of you."

"My dad was always to busy to even notice me and now he's believing in me." A tear of not went down my cheek as I thought that.

I smiled and took out my earbuds. "Mom I will get a spirit animal whether I want one or not I promise I will get the spirit animal you've been hoping I get!"

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