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Me and Aaron sat right next to each other. We both blushed for how close we were. Aaron pulled me closer into a hug. I hugged back and blushed like crazy. He was way taller than me so my head was on his chest. He blushed and looked over at the the stage. "Hey look a husky." I glanced over and saw a majestic husky on the stage with a old "friend" Jasmine. I sighed and sat up. "I hate her." I said looking away from the stage. "She was always mean to me."

I pouted and have her a evil glare. "I won't let her mess with you anymore." The fox jumped off of my lap and laid on the ground. I laid down and Aaron put my head on his lap. "You will hopefully be called soon. And I am sure you will get the best spirit animal ever!" he said in a tone like he was trying to encourage me. "The thing I don't like about her is she's all talk." I said still mad. "She says things and never does them. Not only that she thinks she's better than me!" I said getting angerier. "Calm down. She is not better than you. I will never think otherwise."

I smiled and blushed,"you really think I'm better." he leaned in,"I think so." he whispered. I blushed even harder. And looked away trying to hide my embarrassment.

He turned my face and looked into my eyes. "You're so cute when you blush." I couldn't help but turn the shade of a strawberry at the sound of his voice.

The fox jumped on my chest and I jumped. "Ow!" the fox laughed at me and pulled me to the ground. I looked up at the fox and huffed in anger. Aaron started laughing with the fox. I blushed and stood up. I sat down next to the fox and frowned. Aaron moved over a little an put his arm around me. Jasmine walked up with her husky at her side. "Well aren't you a couple of little love bird's." she started laughing histarically. The fox stood up slowly growling and snarling. The fox was huge double the size of the husky. The husky whimpered behind Jasmine. She kicked the husky to move and left.

The fox jumped back on Aaron's lap and went to sleep. I felt bad for the husky but I could do nothing without a spirit animal. Aaron looked over at me. "Its not your fault Erik. Maybe she will warm up, and learn to love her spirit animal." I looked over at at Aaron. ".....maybe." We sat in silence and stared off at the ground.

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