Sweet Aaron!

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Royal blue lights filled the area and I could barely see Aaron. The lights dimmed down and I could see a large beautiful fox. The fox was not fully materialised so I was kinda transparent. The fox had a elegant white fur coat and it's eyes were like crystals for how blue they were. The fox slowly walked toward Aaron with grace and beauty. It rubbed up against Aaron and a gold light came up and surrounded the fox. The fox then finely materialised into a form that's allowed to leave the platform. Aaron walked over to me with the fox by his side. Just trying to contain his excitement and stay calm. I bent down and pet the fox. The fox gladly accepted the praise and seemed to like the attention. Aaron then told me what he felt Like when he when up there to the platform. "When I was walking up the stairs it felt Like time slowed down!"

Aaron was filled with energy he couldn't even sit down. "Oh my God I can't even! I was so nervous while going up there and as soon as it lit up I felt relieved! Then I was excited and impatience while waiting for my beautiful spirit animal to appear!" Aaron saying almost at a yelling tone. A lot of people stared over at him because he was yelling and as soon as he noticed he sat down. He blushed in embarrassment. I couldn't help but blush for how hot he was. I stared at the platform as people went up some got lucky and got a spirit animal and some didn't get so lucky. Everytime someone went up I got more and more nervous. I heard names both familiar and some that I never heard of but I waited. "Man I will be waiting forever!" I said complaining to Aaron. The fox was now sleeping on Erik's lap. Aaron have me a smile of reassurance and said,"I'm sure you will come up soon. Its not like they will purposly miss your name. I should know I was taking my mom's reception job for a hour and she is nice to everyone. Now that I think about it she is the reason we met."

I felt Aaron move closer to me and I started to blush. Aaron stretched and put his arm around me making my face turn the same shade as a strawberry. I glanced over at Aaron, and noticed he was blushing a little and had a warm, comforting smile on his face. I started staring at Aaron's adorable face. I tried to look away but then I noticed he was staring straight back at me. We looked each other in the eyes and our faces were only inches apart. We started edging closer and then a blinding blue light came that distracted both of us. We looked up to the stage and a giant lion was seen on the crystal platform. Then walked off, and I blushed at the fact how close out faces were.

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