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I sat there with the arm of Aaron around me. I was blushing like crazy but I was also very happy. Aaron made me happy, and I feel comfortable around him. I wish I could be here forever. I drifted off to sleep in Aaron's arms. "I will wake you up when your name is called." I heard Aaron's voice whisper in my ear before I fell asleep on his chest.

I heard Aaron yelling at me to wake up. I awoken to see the sunset odd in the distance. "They called your name Erik. Go and get that spirit animal!" he said trying to encourage me. I slowly walked up the stairs to the platform. Time seemed to have slowed and my heart was beating out of my chest. As I reached the top I felt my heart sink into the pits of my stomach. I felt sick like I wanted to go home. I stepped forward and was about to cry when I realised. It didn't light up. I froze in the middle of the platform, and I felt my world cave in with me in it.

I took a deep breath to stop myself from crying. I walked off with my head held high. I looked down into the crowd to see mom very visibly upset. I couldn't help but wanna snap right there but I walked off with dignity.

I heard a voice behind me as I walked up to Aaron. "Well we have one more test." My mom said from behind giving me a warm smile of reassurance. Aaron smiled and have me a thumbs up. I took a deep breath and put a sturn face on. "I will get a spirit animal, no matter what!" I said excitingly. My mom smiled,"Your friend there can take you over to the test and I will be waiting to see your rare spirit animal." Aaron grabbed my hand and drug me over to the other testing sight. This platform barely had anyone near it but a couple of royal people and guard's. They pointed to me,"Get on the platform if you are taking this test!" They said in a demanding tone. I walked up the stairs fast and pauses on the last stop.

I felt my heart drop once more realising what I go myself into jumped forward onto the platform. Nothing happen it was dull like usual. I was just about to turn around and leave as it lit up a bright blood red color. A shock expression filled all of the royal people's faces. I was about to cry happy tears when I saw this.

I looked into it and saw a black mist move in the blood red color.

That's it for this chapter can't wait to hear what you have to say.

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