Dark Force!

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I look around following the dark mist that went around in the blood red color. The dark mist froze and started forming a animal. I couldn't tell what animal or creature it was. A large wolf with blood red eyes was formed. It was about the size of me while standing on all four paws. It was huge! I looked up in shock. It had red on it's tail, ears, paws.

"Its a demon wolf!" one of the nobles screamed. "Its called a hellhound." another one screamed. The demon wolf started freaking out jumping around shrieking to the top of it's lungs. I was scared and felt bad for my spirit animal. I ran over to it and buried myself in it fur. "Its okay. They might not like you but I love you." I pet the top of its head and calmed it down. All of the nobles were surprised at how nice the demon wolf was. The Queen and King stepped forward.
"A long time ago we banished a demon animal because the man that got it used it against the Empire. If you promise to use it for good you won't be banished." the King said explaining the rules. "I promise to use my demon wolf for the good of the Empire. I will never use it for selfish and unconstitutional reasons." I said sounding professional. The King and Queen nodded in agreement. "You may keep you hell hound, but if you use it against the Empire you WILL be banished!" the Queen explained. I hugged my demon wolf, and comforted it. "Do you agree?" I asked; the demon wolf nodded and I lead it off the platform. I walk of to Aaron and he hugged it. "Your spirit animal is so cool. But I love mine a lot more. He said turning around and petting his fox.

I smiled warmly and made my way through the crowd of eighteen year olds. They all stared at my demon wolf in shock. I made my way to mom and showed her the majestic demon wolf that was my spirit animal. She freaked out and hugged the demon wolf. "She's so beautiful!" my mom said petting it with a big smile on her face. "She?" I asked shocked. "Yep this is a girl. You can tell my the way her body is shaped and the way her fur looks. I researched all about wolves and hell hounds." my mom said smiling warmly and holding her head high. I stared at my demon wolf as she nodded in agreement with Mom. "Also demon wolves can speak our language too." she said happily. The King and Queen walked up behind me and said,"Erik Hunter you are invited to our castle. We will further discuss the path you will take and about going to Spirit Shield Academy." They said with their heads held high. "When do you want my to be there?" I asked Boeing. "Now!" the Queen said happily. A huge dragon grabbed me and put me on Its back.

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