Chapter 6

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After Jimin dropped me off all I could do was ask myself the same question over and over again.

"Why did I overreacted?"

I sat home and chewed on my fingernail until CL came beside me.

"Are you okay? How was your date?" She asked and I signed. "That bad huh?"

"A bit." I say and waited for me to go on to tell her everything. "So Jimin went to go to the bathroom..."

"You didn't go spy on him to see his dick size?" She asked and I have her the look to shut her mouth. She zipped her mouth waiting for me to go on.

"Anyways... His phone started ringing and I answered..." I say and start to feel my eyes starting to burn. CL rubbed my back. "The women on the phone said that she was pregnant with his kid."

"Oh..." She says and she clicks her tongue.

"He said it was a fan." I say and she hums a bit.

"I mean that is true. It probably could have been a fan knowing fans love to call famous people a pretend shit so it will go viral and they will become famous." She says and I probably could see that happen.

"He also said he never had free time until now." I say and she paces the room.

"It's all a lie." She says and jumps towards me. "He is telling the truth. This is the first time he has had free time. Tae told me too."

"Should I call him..." I start to say and she shoves the phone into my hand.

"Yes!" She yells and exists the room.

The phone ringed and no answer. I called again and again and yet nothing... Maybe he hates me now... I did ruin our date and everything...

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