Chapter 7

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I waited for Jimin's call but nothing came through. CL kept checking on me asking if I was okay and when me and Jimin were going to go out but not a word.

That's when I seen Tae walk through the front door.

"Tae?" I say and he turns towards me and doesn't have a happy expression. Neither would I if he saw me too.

"Yes?" He says almost like a hiss.

"Can you please take me to..." I start to say but he said no before I can get the last word out.

"Tae!" CL says making her way to him.

"It's better for him to forget about you." He says and my heart started to swell.

"You don't understand." I say and I could feel a tear going down my cheek.

"I do he told me everything. Answering his phone. Running away. Believing a random person on the phone... Just everything." He says and CL touched him and he jerked away. "Just leave him alone."

"I'll take you." CL says and she signs not meeting Tae's eyes which are burning her now. Tae grips onto her hard.

"If you take her we are done." He says and CL looks up.

"Then we are done." She says and she walks away. "You can stand to see your friend miserable, but but I can't. I'm sorry."

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