Avery x Jack | The Guts

19 1 14

Avery's POV:

I walked faster and faster to Maleigha's house. Tonight, she was having me over, just for a girls night. Little did she know that I'm going to tell her about my new crush, or the new love of my life.

I knocked on her door, shaking violently from the cold. She opened the door in a frenzy, almost screaming when she saw me.

"Oh gurl, come on in!" She yelled. I laugh at her enthusiasm and walk inside.

She shut door behind me and ran up to her room. I smile at the sound of her music blasting from even her closed bedroom door. And it was even upstairs!

I ran up behind her, shutting the door giggling myself. I plopped down next to her in first of her TV with our favorite show, Steven Universe playing.

She turned to look at me, turning serious. I furrow my brow and cock my head to the side.

"Hmm, you've just been acting strange lately. Like...YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON SOMEONE!!" She screamed.

"H..How did you know?!" I ask in shock.

"The wonders Root Beer can do!" She giggled before going into a laughing fit.

"So," She said getting up. "Who is it?!" She said, getting close to my face.

I smile and push her away. She laughs and sets her hands on her knees.

"Well, it's someone we know.."I say.

"Don't lead me on a savenfer hunt Avery!" She grumbled.

"Too late!" I say.

She huffed but let me continue.

"He has brown hair and sparkling blue eyes. He knows just how to make me laugh and comforts me when I cry. His laugh is so amazing that just thinking about it makes me smile." I say, getting to much into detail.

Maleigha's eyes widen. She knows who I'm talking about.

I instantly blush and hide my face. She starts shaking and giggling again.

"YOU LOVE JACK?!" She screams. I nod hesitantly and then I'm shaking it violently.

I then start laughing and smiling. She starts to fangirl and then we're both giggling like idiots.


The Next Day...

I walk down the street with Maleigha, talking about last night. Today, I scedualed a party at my house. I invited all my friends, even Madalyn and them.

Earlier, I called Madalyn to tell her about Jack and I. I could her her smirk form behind the phone.

"Go get em'." She cheered on.

"Ok, so tonight's the night?!" Maleigha asked.

I smirk and nod. Tonight, I plan to confess to Jack.


The party only consisted of Jack, Maleigha, Jasmine, Madalyn, Tharon, Ella, Rose, and I.

We decided to play spin the bottle first. Thanks Madalyn

When she first annouced it, I gave her a surprised but scornful look. All she did was smirk at me.

"This is a great way Avs!" She murmured in my ear. I sweatdropped and blushed madly.

We all sit in a circle. I had Ella and Maleigha sitting next to me and Jack was facing opposite from me. He looked really cute tonight.

"OK, the rules are simple." Jasmine explained. "If you land on one person once, you give them a kiss on the cheek. Twice, a kiss on the lips. Three times.." She smirked right at me."A full make out session!"

My mouth gaped open. Everyone else ooooo like little kids. Jasmine decided to go first.

It landed on Ella. They giggled like school girls when she kissed Ella on the cheek.

Ella spun this time and landed Tharon. I laughed silently under my breath.

She kissed him barley on the cheek, earning a eye-rolling from him.

Tharon spun next, landing on Madalyn. She raised her eyebrows but convinced him to let me roll.

My eyes shot up in shock. I nervously grabbed the bottle and spin it.

Of all, people, it land on Jack. He smiled softly as Maleigha tried not to explode from giddiness.

I crawled over to Jack and went in to kiss his cheek. I saw a glimmer in his eye before gabbing my chin and kissing me on the lips.

He grabbed the back of my neck as I kissed back. Jasmine started freaking out as I heard a high five in the background.

"HEY! No making out yet!" Tharon joked.


The party continued on for the rest of the night. Jack kept casting glances at me and winking. Maleigha and Madalyn both congratulated me.

Everyone had gathered in the living room to just talk, which we always end up doing at parties.

I went to grab a drink from the kicthen, I walked down the hallway, but some hand grabbed my waist and pulled my into my bedroom..


I was engulfed on darkness at first, but the lights flipped on and I felt Jack's soft lips on mine. We were both kissing rather harshly, and it ended up us both being on the bed.

We parted soon and look at each other for a moment, just lost in each others eyes.

"Why me?" I ask.

"What do you mean?" He says in that soothing voice I love.

"Why did you kiss me?" I ask.

"Well," He says facing the ceiling. I gave the ceiling as well.

"Because I've been I love with you for the longest time."

I blush at this and smile.

"You always made me feel like jelly when you talked. My heart beats faster and faster every time you laugh. Sometimes, my eyes hurt to even look at your beautiful face. Avery," He says facing me again. I turn to him.

"I love you."

I stare deeper and deeper into his eyes. The boy I secretly loved for the longest time. Yes, I told Maleigha I recently fell for him, but it's been forever.

I smile at him. His eyes sparkle again, smiling as well.

"Jack, loving you had been on my mind for a long time. I never had the guts to tell you but, Jack."

He cups my face, making me melt all over again.

"I love you too."

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