School Days

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Madayn's POV:

"I have only TWO pieces left, I'm not giving it to you!" I say, stuffing the rest of my donut into my mouth. Lillith fake pouts but smiles, while Connie and Anna laugh.

I wipe my hands off and head to Health with them. Once we step foot in, Tori and Adri come over and start talking to us. The bell rings one final time as we take our seats and begin the lesson for today.

I feel something slip into my pocket, and Lillith's arm moving toward me. I raise one eyebrow to her, and she winks at me.

"Do you know where Jaylin is today? Can't get ahold of him.." It read.

I look over and shrug. She smiles sadly and pays back attention to our teacher.


"Hopefully I got an A on that. The American Revolution was hard.." I say to Connie, walking out of Social Studies. She laughs and says "You don't even have to take it!"

We made up a time and place to meet up with everyone else to celebrate tomorrow, the last day of 12th grade. We had already had our graduation ceremony, but we stayed in school to help younger kids out with work.

Tori, James, Jaylin, Connie, Adri, Anna, Darius, Lillith, Ella, and I were meeting up at the local Mexican restaurant. It was our favorite.

"Hey!" I say to everyone, sitting down. They all wave as I look over the menu. But I already know what I'm getting. Shrimp tacos.

"Where's Jaylin, I thought he was with you?" Lillith asks. Connie and I shook our heads. We haven't seen him all day.

After we ordered, eaten, and payed, we set off for the playground at the elementary school. We usually go here to reminisce on the old times of when we were younger. It was fun.

After talking about life, school, and and love. We brought up old stories, memories, heartbreaks, and everything in between.

"Welp, I gotta go. See ya guys tomorrow." Lillith says. She leaves, with Tori and Adri following with Anna. After them, Connie and James go home.

It was Ella, Darius, and I. Ella and Anna go together while Darius drives me home.

"Thanks bro, see ya soon!" I say, closing the car door. He smiles and backs out, driving away.

I step into my house, setting down my stuff and getting ready for bed. With my pajamas on, I brush my teeth and get my "Last day of school" outfit ready for tomorrow.

Suddenly, I remembered that I left my phone in the bathroom, I run in to get it, and stop dead in my tracks.

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