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"MOTHERFU**!" Madalyn screamed, hitting a girl who kept nagging at her square in the face.

"PENALTY RO'MEAVE. OUR FOR 25 SECONDS!" The coach blared. Madalyn glared at him but took her place.

Rose laughed and flung another dogdeball at one of Madalyn's teammates. Madalyn gasped and glared at her too.

Ella, although she loves this game, stood towards the back, watching fellow friends and classmates get injured and become enraged.

Tharon kept either getting out or getting other kids out. He was a good player. Not as agressive or slick as Ro'meave. Not as cocky and fast as Lagrand. Not as sneaky and quiet as Leible. But, he was a Motoko. He's pretty good by himself.

Madalyn's twenty-five seconds were over. She laughed and sped back on the court. She picked up one of the small dodgeballs and threw as hard as she could. It smacked a distracted Maleigha. She gasped and slipped a bit, but smiled when she found out who threw it. Madalyn was actually scared that she hurt Maleigha. Avery, Jack, Maleigha, and Jasmine were the only ones Madalyn or anyone else didn't want to hurt. 

While Maleigha took a seat off the court, Rose noticed both teams were losing people. As more and more people took their places on the bleachers, they began cheering for their favorites. All that was left on one side was Madalyn, Tharon, Jasmine, a tenth-grader, and a girl named Bree, who was friends with Avery. The other team was Rose, Ella, Avery, Jack, Alexis, and a small ninth-grade boy.

The ninth-grade boy got out, as well as Jasmine. Ella stood back still, while Rose smacked Bree in the stomach. The tenth-grader got Avery and Jack out, but she got shut down by Rose. 

All that was left were The Adventures. Rose smirked at Madalyn, who did the same. Tharon threw his ball straight at Ella, who stood wide eyed in horror. Tharon laughed as he threw while the audience stiffened. But the whole gym went quiet as the ball made contact with skin. Rose and Madalyn looked at Ella, The ball resting safely in both of her arms. Ella looked up and smiled evilly.

"You're out Tharon." She said. 

Tharon, still lost in a daze, Took a seat next to Jack, who patted his back in sympathy. 

Madalyn was left all alone. She got her senses together and ran to the back of her side, grabbing two balls. She turned just as a ball went straight past her left ear. Rose silently cursed, her ball had missed.  Madalyn laughed and charged. Rose ducked, but that wasn't Madalyn's target. Ella was hit square in the nose. She was out.

Rose ad Madalyn glared at each other, a ball in each of their hands. Madalyn's eyes gleamed with competitiveness. Rose's did the same. 

"Sushi is on today's menu!" Avery suddenly yelled, looking at the school's menu. It took Madalyn by surprise, who turned to look at her.

Rose cocked her arm and threw. Madalyn felt something hit her and knock her down. She fell to the ground with a thud, a blue ball resting on her stomach. She groaned at the sight of it, but looked up at Rose, who was over her.

She stuck her arm out. "Rematch tomorrow?" Rose asked, smiling.

Madalyn grinned.

"I get first pick."

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