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Sometimes...I can still here you...

Even though you've been gone this whole time, it's like you've never left.

I've read the posters. I've heard the rumors.

But I still don't listen...

Even if they say it's hopeless..

I keep thinking you're right outside.

Sometimes, I can still hear you're laughter.

Like you've just heard a joke..

But you're not around the cornor, or in the other room.

Where did you go?

When...are you coming back?

I've watched the news.

They say, you're really gone.

But your not.

Beacuse, why can I still see you?

Why can I still see your eyes?

Your smile?


Am I being punished?


Did I do something wrong?

Maybe I did.


You didn't want to go away so soon.

Beacuse, I still hear you, and see you...


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