Sword Art Online pt2

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Tharon's POV:

When I woke up, I saw my mother next to me. She started crying as soon as she saw my blue eyes. She ripped the stupid headset off my head and embraced me. Her blue hair, which I missed for so long, was in my face, but I didn't care.

"Oh my baby..you're ok, right?" She asked me. I nod, not wanting to tell her about the girls.

"Mom, I need to do something." I tell her vaugly.

"You made friends, didn't you? And you want to find them?" She asks. I gasp and slightly pull away from her hug. She let's go and smiles at me.

"I would have done the same. Now, go. Find them. Dinner will be ready at 7:00!" She laughs and walks out of the room.

I stayed in bed for a while, thinking of ways I could get to my friends. They could be anywhere, anywhere...

"C'mon Tharon think! Ugh, I need to go think this out." I tell myself and walk out of my house.

I end up walking to the Famer's Market. This is where I usually spend my time. I don't buy anything, I just look around. Yes, I know, it's weird. But I like it.

I was walking along the watermelons when I ran into someone. I wasn't watching where I was going, so of course I fell.

I saw that I made a girl fall too. I gasped and quickly for up to help her. When she grabbed my hand, she looked up at me.

She had long brown hair, reaching to her waist. She had big brown eyes, with a gray sweater and skinny jeans. Her black chuckies were barely scuffed, but they were still cool looking.

"M-Madalyn?!" I ask. She furrows her brow, but then her eyes widen.

"Tharon? How did y-you?" She starts asking me. Then, she grins and jumps up. She wraps her arms around my neck, laughing.

"Well, you kept your promise! Now, we have to find Rose and Ella! Man, I can't belive we lived near each other!"

I smiled. She was still the optimist like she was in the game.

Without thinking, I embraced her. And, she returned the embrace.


The buzz of the doorbell sounded as Madalyn pressed on it. She pulled her plaid scarf tighter around her neck as we both heard footsteps coming to the door.

"Hmm?" A tired looking Ella said, yawning. She looked up at Madalyn and I, blinking.




"OMG GUYS IS THAT REALLY YOU OMFG I CAN'T BELIVE YOU'RE REALLY HERE!" Ella screamed. She grabbed both of us and we were pushed inside.

Next up, Rose

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