Part 15: Operation: Capture Annie

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Just to give you all an idea of what I had in mind, the vest that your character wears is similar to the one that Thomas in the Maze Runner wears.

[Name]'s POV

"So what do you think of the whole Eren situation?" Kaito asks while leaning against the window in my room.

"That it'll go wrong," I state, lying on my back and staring up at the ceiling. "I really hope Erwin, Mike, Levi, and Hange return from the Capital with good news about Eren, but let's be real here- it won't happen."

"What makes you so sure?" Shiro inquires, and I frown.

"Eren was handed over to the Survey Corps under two circumstances. The first being that he was put under Levi's watch; the second being that he's apart of the expedition outside the walls. With the failure of the expedition, I'm nearly positive the Survey Corps will lose custody of Eren."

"Damn..." Kaito murmurs, and I nod.

"Yeah..." I rest my hand on my abdomen and close my eyes. "Today's been long. I woke up in the infirmary, and then the superiors were called to the Capital to discuss Eren. How nerve-wracking..."

"Let's just hope for the best, even though it won't happen," Shiro states, and I crack open my eyes and look at him.

"I agree."

"We'll leave you to rest," Kaito says, pushing off the window and patting my leg before him and Shiro leave the room.

"Rest sounds nice," I yawn before pulling a blanket over me and drifting off to sleep.

~five days later~

"They've been back for days now and haven't said anything," I mutter to myself, grabbing my nightshirt and shorts.

I slip on my shirt and shimmy my shorts up my legs just before someone knocks on my door three times. My eyebrows furrow, and I walk over and open the door to reveal Erwin, Jean, Mikasa, and Armin. "Well, this certainly doesn't seem good..." I utter, running a hand through my tousled hair while the guys eye me from head to toe.

"It's not good. Eren has to be handed over to the authorities," Mikasa explains, and I close my eyes and sigh.

"I thought that would happen... so what's this about? Why are you all at my door?" I cross my arms and lean against the doorframe, opening my eyes to stare at them.

"We have a plan to keep Eren in our custody, and it involves capturing the Female Titan who we've identified," Erwin explains, and I nod.

'So they know it's Annie. I wonder what they're planning though' I hum lowly before pushing off the doorframe. "I take I'm supposed to follow you somewhere?"

"Yes. Right this way." Erwin turns on his heel and starts walking down the hallway.

I join Armin's side who waits for me along with Mikasa and Jean. "How're the wounds?" Jean asks as we follow after Erwin.

"They're good. I get my stitches out in two days, so that's exciting," I smile, and Mikasa looks past Armin at me.

"How did it happen anyway?" she questions, and I frown.

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