Part 16: The Beast Titan

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I'm playing around with the time in this chapter, so instead of Mike's fight against the Beast Titan happening the same day as everything in Stohess, it'll happen the next day.

[Name]'s POV

"[Name]?" Mr. Ral's eyebrows furrow as I stand at his front door with Amélie holding my hand.

"Hello, Mr. Ral," I say with a smile, and he looks down at the little girl beside me.

"Who's this?" he asks, and Amélie looks up at him.

"I'm Amélie," she says, and he smiles at her.

"I'm Franz Ral," he chuckles before looking at me. "What's going on, [Name]?"

I frown and look down at the blonde child beside me. "Her parents were killed in Stohess today, and she has no other family. I understand if you dismiss my proposition, especially given what happened a little over a week ago, but would you be willing to take her in?" I ask, and his eyes widen.

"Franz! What's going on?!" Mrs. Ral calls out before appearing in the doorway. "Oh, [Name]! Hello!"

I smile and wave. "Hello, Sarra."

"Is something the matter, [Name]?" she asks, and Mr. Ral gestures his wife to lean toward him.

They talk lowly for a few moments until Sarra's eyes widen, and she looks at Amélie. They stop their conversation a few seconds later, and Sarra kneels down and gestures the blonde girl beside me over. I let go of Amélie's hand, and she shyly approaches Sarra. "You need a family, huh?" Sarra asks with a sad smile.

Amélie nods, and Sarra suddenly pulls her into a hug. "We'll take her in, [Name]," Franz tells me, and I smile.

"Thank you," I say, and Sarra looks at me.

"No, thank you for considering us to take care of her. I'm sure... I'm sure Petra would've loved having a little sister," she admits with tears in her eyes.

"I'm sure she would've as well," I whisper, and Amélie pulls away from Sarra and hugs my legs.

"Will I see you again?" she whispers, and I pat her head.

"Of course, but I have to go right now, okay? You be good for them."

"I will, [Name]. I promise." She holds her pinkie out to me, and my breath hitches.

I hook my tattooed pinkie around hers and squeeze softly. Amélie smiles, and we let go of each other. "I'll see you guys around," I say while stepping back and smiling as the blonde child takes Franz's and Sarra's hand in her small ones.

"You watch over yourself, [Name]," Franz tells me, and I nod.

"I will," I state before turning around and walking over to my horse, listening to Sarra happily asking Amélie questions about herself. I hoist myself onto [H/Name] and look at the house one more time. "She'll be happy there," I whisper before snapping the reins and heading for the gates that'll take me into Wall Rose.


[H/Name] slows down to a trot near the building Mike and his squad are watching over many of the cadets at. "We're here," I state, sliding off my horse and leading him over to the others.

I let him into a stable and pet his mane before walking out and unstrapping my ODM gear from my harness. 'I definitely need to refill my tanks and get new blades after the events of today' I sigh, carrying it towards the building.

The sunset casts a golden glow on me as I walk up a few steps to the door before turning the handle and opening it. "Mike!" I call out while stepping inside.

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