Part 25: Evading Arrest

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[Name]'s POV

I bandage Sannes' hands in silence, the flame from the candle beside me providing me with just enough light to see what I'm doing. "It'll take some time, but your wounds will heal. I didn't do anything that would leave permanent physical damage," I mutter, glancing up to see his eyes are downcast.

"You're all sick," he just barely whispers.

A sigh escapes my lips as I finish bandaging his hands. "I find that funny coming from someone who's done this as well, except I bet you didn't have the heart to take care of the person at the end. No. You probably just killed them instead. I may be sick, but you're even worse."

Sannes stays silent, and I stand up and pull him out of his seat. "Come on, you're being moved to a cell," I state, leading him out of the room he's been in for over a day.

Hange and Moblit meet me in the hall, and we walk down the small corridor on our right and open the door. Hange and Moblit walk in first, and I lead Sannes in after them. Moblit unlocks the door to the cell that contains Ralph, and I let go of Sannes as he willingly walks in.

"Sannes," Ralph gasps while standing up from the bed he was sitting on. "Your face... What happened?!"

'I wonder how this is going to turn out' I cross my arms while Moblit shuts the cell door and locks it.

"Wait, did you... they didn't actually make you talk, did they?!" Ralph questions frantically, "but we swore a vow of loyalty to the King-"

Sannes bursts forward and grabs Ralph by his throat. "I can't stand to hear another word out of you! I would have died for you, and you betrayed me for a bed! To think I trusted you!" Sannes shouts through gritted teeth, tears slipping out of his eyes as he chokes Ralph.

I sigh and grab the bars of the cell. "Sannes, Ralph never actually said anything to us. Hell, we never actually questioned him," I say, causing his eyes to widen as he lets go of Ralph who starts gasping for air.

"What?" Sannes gasps, and Hange holds up the piece of paper with the script on it.

"I threatened him and made him follow a script. None of what he said was his own words; they were mine," I explain while Ralph takes a seat on the bed, rubbing his throat and coughing while Sannes collapses to his knees on the ground.

"Then... it was me. I'm the one who betrayed the King's secret," Sannes whispers, and I share a glance with Hange and Moblit before we turn around to leave.

"You... you're all demons," Ralph states in a raspy tone, and I look over my shoulder at him.

"Really?" I cock an eyebrow.

"All of the Scouts are, but you... you're the Devil with your cunning ways."

My tongue swipes across my bottom lip as I fully turn around to face him with a dark chuckle. "Thank you, I appreciate the compliment. After all, my cunningness got me the answers we needed. You were just the fool who helped."

"And I bet Minister Nick felt the exact same way about you," Hange tells Ralph before approaching the cell and looking at Sannes. "That's why I felt sorry for you, Sannes. Not because you got tortured by [Name], but because of what you've done with your life. You're pathetic! A grown-ass man wailing like an infant! Are you sad now?! Well, boo-hoo!"

I grin as Sannes and Ralph avert their eyes from Hange. "Have a good rest of your life locked up in a cell, you two, and an even better time in Hell. I'll make sure to give you a warm welcome," I chuckle, sending them a wink before sauntering out of the room as they gulp.

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