Part 27: The Prophecy

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Just going to casually release this chapter after almost a year of not updating this book, lmao

Also, I'm not going to lie, Marley's government is pretty fucking fascist (if you haven't read the manga, there's some pretty fucked up things that the country does), and the manga has done some weird shit with it, so I'm going to sort of do my own thing lmaoo (though it'll probably be more of a spin-off of what really happens than an entirely new thing). To be honest, the entire show has WWII themes that have gotten under my skin, and I won't lie, it's made me lose a lot of interest in the series, but for the sake of y'all, I'm going to figure something out to finish this fanfic. Anyway, don't expect this story to follow the canon plot and history behind the Titans because I'm taking creative liberties to change some things.

Third Person POV

"Can you hear me?! Wake up!" Mikasa cries out as Jean chips away at the crystal surrounding Eren's body.

"Eren!" Jean shouts as Mikasa pulls his body free from his crystal Titan armor that saved them.

Mikasa carries him down to the ground where the rest are and sets Eren down on the ground as he slowly wakes up.

"Not too shabby, Eren. Even after we cut you from it, the Titan hasn't disappeared," Levi tells him before looking at Mike. "This could be a game-changer."

Eren looks down slightly and frowns. "I almost forgot," he whispers before looking at his superiors. "Listen, before I transformed, I drank from a bottle that said 'armor.'"

"Gotcha. Guess that's all you needed to pull it off because this time, you did it easily. You saved all our lives. You came up with and built everything we see here in the blink of an eye," Levi says, allowing Eren to take in the crystal protection he created. "It's not exactly pretty, but I can see its potential. I bet this is how the walls were made, too."

"With this ability of yours, Eren, we finally have a real shot of recapturing Wall Maria," Mike explains while staring down at him.

Eren gasps while Levi nods. "We had a hell of a time getting here. Took long detours. Watched friends die. But as ugly as it's been, look at the position we're in now."

Eren goes deep into thought before being snapped out of it as Sasha rappels down a hole in the ceiling with her ODM wires. "Captain! We've secured an exit, sir!" she announces as Connie comes down with her.

"Hange's fine! Armin and Moblit, too!" he adds on.

"I'm glad to hear it. Any word on [Name]?" Levi asks with a frown.

"Nothing yet, sir. Armin and Moblit said they'd look for her, though," Sasha responds, and Eren looks back at the Captain.

"What happened to [Name]?"

"Joel came," Kaito states, sending him a quick glance. "She left the protection you provided so that we wouldn't get caught in a fight."

"I'm sure she's okay," Shiro reassures Eren with a small chuckle. "That girl survived nearly a weak on her own beyond the walls. I'm sure she got outta this just fine."

"That brat..." Levi scoffs and shakes his head before looking over as Sasha and Connie run towards them.

"Eren!" Sasha exclaims happily.

"You okay?" Connie asks as Sasha falls to her knees in front of Eren.

"We're all safe, thanks to you! But to be completely honest, when I saw you run off into the light, stumbling like a drunk and wailing like a baby, I thought we were fucked! You looked like an idiot, and my fate was in your hands! It was awful! Quit your bawling! Have some dignity!" she shouts before quickly adding, "that's what I was thinking anyway."

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