Part 18: Reiner and Bertolt Revealed

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For those of you who only watch the anime, this chapter talks about things that are so far only in the manga. It isn't completely exact as I'm changing the plot up, but it does still contain major spoilers to some extent.

[Name]'s POV

"So Krista's real name is Historia?" Kaito hums, and I nod to myself.

"Yeah, that's what she said. I wonder why she hid it though," I state, and the group I'm with looks at me.

"How long have you been standing there, [Name]?" Shiro asks, and I deadpan.

"For a few minutes now."

"W-why aren't you wearing a shirt?" Armin gasps, his cheeks heating up.

"Used it to make a sling for Reiner's arm." I jut my thumb at Reiner.

"Aren't the harnesses cutting into your skin?" Eren asks, and I chuckle.

"Yeah, it's not very comfortable, but that wasn't important to me at the time," I say before frowning. "So where's Marco and Sasha? I'm especially concerned about Sasha because I haven't seen her since we fled from the place we were staying in."

"You're right. I haven't seen her in a while," Connie says with a frown.

"They're both safe. Marco didn't come due to a fever, so he's being taken care of at HQ, and Sasha had something to deliver to Commander Erwin and then Squad Leader Hange, but she should be waiting on the wall," Armin tells me, and I nod.

"That's a relief to hear; I take it Jean stayed back as well?"

"Yes, he's also okay," Mikasa states, and I nod.

"[Name]," Mike calls out, and I look over to see him gesturing me over to him and Hange.

"Seems I'm needed," I murmur, making my way down the rubble and jogging over to Mike. "What's up?"

"You and Mike are going to check the wall again for any signs of a breach. There's a squad of Garrison soldiers out there already, so you'll probably run into them," Hange explains.

"Understood," I state, looking over to where we tied up our horses to see that several were killed. "Oh no... did [H/Name] live?"

"He's right there," Mike says and points at my horse.

"Thank god," I mutter before looking at Mike and Hange. "So what's going to happen to Ymir?"

"We haven't made a decision yet, but she needs to be taken to the infirmary, so her wounds can be looked at," Hange frowns, and I nod.

"All right," I murmur before looking at Mike. "Shall we go?"

"We should fill up on fuel and blades first," he states, and I nod.

We walk over to one of the carts with supplies on it and refill our tanks and blades before heading over to the horses. "Glad you're alive, [H/Name]," I whisper, getting on my horse. He snorts before trotting over to Mike who's saddled up on a spare horse that the Scouts brought along. "Which way are we heading, Mike?"

"We're going west and following the wall around. The Garrison will meet us at some point."

"You know, I have a gut feeling we're not going to find anything," I mutter as our horses trot alongside each other.

"I feel the same way, but we need to check."

"I know," I frown before our horses speed up to a gallop, and we're heading towards the wall.

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