Part 20: Coming Back Alone

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Please read the author's note at the end of this chapter. I just want some responses on what you want.

[Name]'s POV

A low groan escapes my throat, and I bring my hand up to my head and grip it. 'I definitely have a concussion' I wince as my head throbs, and I open my eyes and remove my hand from my head, noticing the blood that covers it and the scratches and cuts that litter my swollen arms from colliding with the tree.

"Dammit..." I whisper, leaning my head against the tree for a few seconds before looking down at the ground. 'There's no way I'd survive that fall. I'm too high up'.

I glance up at where I'm hooked into the tree before spotting a branch near me. An idea clicks into mind, and I start swinging back and forth until I'm close to the branch. 'If I miss this, I only die' I mentally joke, my heart pounding in my chest as I swing back once more before my momentum carries me forward.

Once I'm in a forward swing, I release the wire that was connected to the tree, soaring forward and landing with a stumble on the tree branch. Pain rushes through my aching muscles, and I collapse to my knees before falling back, so my back is pressed against the trunk of the tree and I'm cradling my rib cage.

"Fuck..." I cry out quietly, tears pricking the corner of my eyes at the sharp pain that shoots through my abdomen.

'My ribs, my head, my arms... my ODM is broken' I squeeze my eyes shut and rest my head against the tree. 'I'm useless... the others are out there trying to save my friends, and I'm fucking useless!'

My breathing comes out heavy and frantic, and I try to push myself up, only to collapse back down in pain. 'I can't move right now; I'm too weak' I clench my fists before attempting to calm my breathing down. 'I'll just have to put my faith in the Survey Corps that they can save my friends... and maybe even me'.

Fatigue settles in, and I shift into a more comfortable position. 'But for now, I need rest' I mentally tell myself before succumbing to my exhaustion.

~six days later~

I stare at the empty canteen in my hands before tossing it down to the Titans below me that surround the tree I'm in. 'I ran out of water yesterday, and I haven't eaten in days, but at least I'm strong enough to be able to move again. Tonight is my only chance if I have any hope in surviving' I take a few shaky breaths.

The setting sun casts a soft glow in the forest, and I slowly force myself to stand up despite the sluggish feeling in me. 'I'm going to have to move if I want to live' I frown, willing the sun to go down faster, so the Titans won't be active.

I check my gas canisters in my ODM gear, finding I have less than a fourth left in my tanks. 'I'm going to need this for when I reach Wall Rose... rather, if I reach Wall Rose' I frown before looking out as the last few rays of sun disappear beyond the horizon and it becomes dusk.

The Titans below me become inactive, and I grip my handgrips and put on new blades. 'I might be able to use my remaining wire as something like a rope to swing on' I tell myself while walking to the edge of the branch and looking in the direction I need to go.

'No matter how much pain I'm in, I need to get back' I tell myself, ignoring the tiredness of my body. I pull the trigger on my handgrips and shoot my remaining hook out into a tree branch before jumping off the tree I'm on and swinging through the air.

Pain shoots through my body with every move I make as I retract and fire the wire continuously at the trees, swinging from branch to branch. "I can do this," I state, a fire of determination lighting within me.

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