Chapter 4: The Battle for Trost Begins [Edited]

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A/N- old

This chapter was originally part of Chapter 3, but it became too long for my liking during editing, so I gave it its own chapter! Enjoy!


You zip through Trost, whipping around corners and dodging buildings as you make your way towards the Garrison's headquarters in the District. The first day after graduating and the Colossus Titan appears and breaches the outer gate of Trost. If that isn't fucking cursed, you don't know what is. What you're most concerned about is the inner gate, though, and the potential appearance of the Armored Titan. After all, you know that when the Colossus attacked last time, the Armored was right behind it. If they breach the inner gate of Trost, you lose Wall Rose, and that would have devastating consequences.

Kind of ironic this happens the day after you answered a question to a very similar scenario on your test. You frown while continuing to move towards headquarters, noticing some Garrison soldiers heading in the opposite direction. Of course, the Colossus Titan attacked after the Survey Corps left Trost. The Garrison doesn't have near the level of training needed to handle this situation without the Scouts, and you wonder what their plan is.

You swing around the corner of a building before gliding down to the ground, landing on your feet and immediately walking forward. Trainees wait around the Garrison headquarters, many of them freaking out over the situation. You frown as you take note of the low morale of the group before looking over as someone calls out your name.

Mikasa rushes over to you and asks, "Where's Eren?"

"He and the others are coming. They might've stopped to give their reports on when the Titan showed up. He's fine, though, Mikasa," you reassure her.

She nods and you toss your blades to the side, then grab new swords and top off your gas canisters. Might as well refill now since you don't know when you'll get the chance to again. You close off your gas tanks and property place them back on your gear before looking at some of the Garrison soldiers nearby. You wonder what they'll have all of you do. Will you get to fight the Titans? You frown before looking over as Kaito and Shiro make their way towards you, adjusting their gas canisters as they do.

"What a wonderful way to celebrate graduation," Shiro sarcastically mutters and you nod with a frown.

"Yeah... but now's not the time for jokes. We need to be ready to move wherever we're told," you say before looking over as one of the Garrison leaders appear.

That's Captain Kitz Weilman. You note while eyeing the man up and down. You've heard of him before. He leads the Garrison's 1st Division Elite Forces. If he's here, they must have a plan. Your eyes flicker around the area, spotting your other friends in the crowd. Even though you graduated, none of you have experience fighting against real Titans yet. One wrong move and you might never see them again. The thought chills you, and you take a deep breath before looking back at Weilman. No matter what, you won't let yourself die today. You'll do whatever you can to help fight the Titans and evacuate the civilians.

"All right, Cadets, listen up! We are splitting you into four squadrons, so when a soldier tells you where to go, you go! All four groups are responsible for supply ready, message relay, and enemy combat under the Garrison command! The intercept squad will be taking the vanguard! Cadets will be taking the middle guard led by the support squad. Rear guard will go to the elites! I expect you all to man your posts, knowing the advanced team has been wiped out!" Weilman announces, making nearly all the trainees gasp.

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