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I walk into orchestra, one of my favorite periods of the day. I sit down at my seat and take out my violin. Our teacher, Mrs. Yang, is so nice. Suddenly, a lady walks in with Jake next to her. He notices me and waves. I smile at him

"We have a new student joining us today. He plays the violin!" Ms. Yang says.

"Adva." Yang said.
"Huh?" I jolt up.
"You and Jake are going to be stand partners."
"Adva? Are you listening?" Yang said.
"What? Oh um not really. Sorry I'm just really tired." I muttered.
"Oh it's fine! Also, I started watching The Office since you said it was a good show." Ms. Yang responded, smiling.
"Ok! Thanks Ms. Yang! Oh, yeah. The Office is SO funny!"
"So. Jake. We just started this piece, and we have an extra spot in first violin, so you will be joining them." Ms. Yang says. She turns to us.
"Who would like to help Jake with the piece?"
I raise my hand. I want an excuse to talk to Jake.
Ms. Yang calls on me, thankfully.
"Go outside into the hallway and help Jake with the piece. Everyone else, go into sections and practice." Yang says.

We walk out into the hallway, and the door shuts with a bang.


I know this chapter sucked. Sorry. I didn't want to get started on the drama too soon, so I put in a bland chapter so you can get to know Adva more and meet Ms. Yang.

Word count: 244

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