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Jake and I finally finish the pieces I was teaching him for Orchestra. I check my watch, and it turns out we have 15 extra minutes.
"Um... we have extra time. We can just talk, I guess." I suggest.
"Sure. Were you about to fall asleep in Orchestra before?"
"Yeah. I went to sleep late last night."

"Honestly though, I would have done the same thing."

I laugh. "I like your laugh. It's cute.", He says

My heart skips a beat but I try to stay calm. 

"Thanks. You're not too bad yourself."

"So. Where'd  you move from?" I ask.

"I used to live in Manhattan, and then I moved here."

"Seriously? That's a downgrade."

"I guess. There's a story behind it but it's private."

As I'm about to answer the bell rings, and Bella runs to me and pulls me to the side. 

"OH MY GOSH. ADV. The class ended early so we were quietly going over our pieces again and everyone heard you and Jake talking outside. Also. You're so smooth. He's gonna fall for you."

"I hope so. He's so hot and so so sweet. I ship us."

"I ship you guys too. 100%. Wait. I have it. JADVA!!" 

"Bella. Shush. He probably heard everything you just said."

"Good. If he did, he can know you're interested."

"You're so annoying, Bella."

"Love you too, Adv."

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