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After school, Jake and I made a plan to walk to 7/11 together. I don't know why I was nervous, since it wasn't like we were going on a date or anything.

I look around, and just take it in. The beautiful trees at every block are starting to turn red and orange, and the air is starting to become fresh. In front of me, is this beautiful guy who is also sweet and amazing.

"I think we can agree that fall is the best season."

"I guess, but the -" He suddenly stops talking and won't stop staring at a car that has pulled up on the sidewalk, which has driven one wheel onto the sidewalk. A short, stubby man walks out of the car. I look at him. A stubble is becoming evident on the man's face, and his hair is down to his neck, in one large mess. His eyes are red, and he has cuts and scars on the hand holding his cigar.

I look at Jake. His eyes are wide, and his hands is shaking.

"What are you doing here?" Thomas asks anxiously.

"I come here because you always out and you ain't telling me where you gone."

"I can't live with you and you know that. Just leave before I call the police."

"Ha. That's what you say every time. But you know. The second I would get out of that skinner joint, I would hunt your ass down and beat your ass." He turns and notices me. "And who's this little whore you have?"

"She's not a whore. She's Adva, and she's my girlfriend."

I look at him sympathetically. He has to deal with this every day.

"Girlfriend? Well. You can't go out with her."

"Why. What could it possibly be." Jake yells.

"Adva. That's Isreali, right?"

"Yes." I reply.

"Stop talking. She is a terrorist. Middle East."

I feel anger cloud my vision. Terrorist? I get up to go, but realize I can't leave Jake with his dad.

"Jake. Let's go." I say.

"Run!" Jake shouts.

He grabs my hand and pulls me inside the store into the bathroom, and he locks the door.

"Jake. I'm so sorry. I can't believe you have to go through this. Is he your dad?"

"Ok. Just stop. The last thing I want is your pity. Stop trying to be nice all the time." He whispers.

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